Who changed the name of the month of September to Germanicus?

Correct answer: Caligula

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
It's funny how a lot of people went for Hitler because Germanicus sounds like Germany.
Player #52076701
Player #52076701
I got this right as only Caligula is mad enough to do that.
The "icus" ending sounds Latin so I chose Caligula
September through December are named for the Latin for 7th - 10th because they used to be those months.
Player #12192453
Player #12192453
Daedalus, The original Roman calendar was said to have been invented by Romulus, the first king of Rome, around 753 BCE. The calendar started the year in March (Martius) and consisted of 10 months, with 6 months of 30 days and 4 months of 31 days.
How did September become the ninth month. The seventh month is named for Julius Cesar. So when was the change made.
Although there has been ill feeling towards a "German" ethos as borne out by 2 world wars, Dad's army or the "greatest generation" fought, suffered and died for a free Britain and the freedoms we so casually enjoy today. Viewed in this light it would seem unsavoury to change the name of September.
Player #48458
Player #48458
Omni47, actually I am so used to September I can't imagine calling the month germanicus