The seismic belt called the "Ring of Fire" is located in what body of water?
Correct answer: The Pacific Ocean

Arohanui, I live and grew up south British Columbia. after mount st. Helen erupted the ash was as far as central British Columbia.

the whole earth is in geological chaos right now. We should all take notice. After all, the whole atmosphere changes over and over. Not enough for us to take notice of, though. Plants , plants , plants. They give us oxygen and sequester carbon, locking it into the soil where it can be utilized. no bare ground.

Arohanui, yep!

Mike Bailey
pee.wee., Almost?

pee.wee., yes indeed.

Player #8591910
Arohanui, yes interesting how Aotearoa wasn’t mentioned yet the entire country is covered.

Player #3632696
Taranchalanche, and no crops to feed us.

Never heard these facts before. Maybe a long winter will cool us off? Knowing my luck we'd just be tender.