Why do chameleons change color?
Correct answer: All the other answers are correct

Pimpao +
unique ability of moving each eye separately and in opposite directions plus the fastest and longest tongue in lizard kingdom make them powerful allies in our garden's

UnopposedExpert34755, I have to stop. Myself from pressing the button with the first correct answer before reading them all.

Player. Ty
Octopus can do the same thing except they can blend into any pattern. I saw on animal planet were they placed on A Chessboard threatened it and it blended right in .AMAZING😎

I had a pet chameleon once. Sadly, it died of exhaustion after crawling across a tartan rug!

I pressed to blend into their environment too soon , then I saw all the above are correct.

I'm reminded of Boy George. Karma chameleon.

All of the above
all of the above? yes, it's all of the above!

Player. Ty, Yes, they are absolutely amazing! I saw an octopus once that blended in with the rock while I was watching it & I literally could not see it even though I knew it was still there!

I got to hold a wild chameleon once that was black when it was put on my hand but turned to brilliant green after a minute or two just sitting on my hand. A real privilege!

Aren’t we all chameleons in our own way? We blend right in to get along or make it happen. Our abilities to morph your mental make is no less than what chameleons do, albeit when they do it, it looks artistic and when we do it is being disingenuous or artful.

I like this one it's really amazing

luckycatfay, Me too.

Player #42929033
isn't the correct answer "because of stress"?

Player #36670652
'All other answers are correct' is always correct

I clicked on the one I thought it was, then I saw the all of the above option... and I've been down ever since...

Player. Ty, yes they can look like many things. Makes them very hard to spot while snorkeling if they are not moving!

12kensnake, number 2 does not cover changes caused by moving from one environment to another, so it is not redundant.

Pimpao +, my mother in law was like that!

I think answer 4 is totally the same (redondent) to answer 2.

I don't like lizards but if I did I would like to own a Chameleon.