What is a horoscope?
Correct answer: An interpretation of the position of stars
no every woman does not like horoscopes
Bridget Sullivan-Schultz
"Every" woman?
What a sweeping statement! For the record: I am a woman, but I DO NOT like horoscopes.
I disagree with the description where it says that every woman loves their horoscope Astrology is a pseudoscience. I am an amateur astronomer, and I'm a woman. Your description is sexist.
"Every woman likes horoscopes!" Auto-thumbsdown.
Having that sexist bit on the info kind of sucks and ruins the question. It really should be fixed.
ever woman loves horoscopes??? I'm not so sure of that.
Player #205212
Every woman likes horoscopes? Oy...
Boy!, you stirred up the women with that last little tidbit of information didn't ya Quiz-ap ?
well that's a pretty sexist comment. some famous astrologists have been MEN
every man loves a horoscope.
Stargazer, I love the horoscope. I’m an Aquarian and love being one. We are humanitarians. People in the clergy are known for being aquarians
Smokey 84
Obviously, the question was changed due to the 'complaints'.
Wannabe Vulcan
blazingbookworm, astrology itself is not real.
Wannabe Vulcan
Shugarbunz, there IS no "real thing".
Wannabe Vulcan
rob, you should Google "cold reading" and "Forer effect".
Wannabe Vulcan
Player #34641139, all excellent points. Thank you!
From reading the comments: Quizapp must have changed its description 😂😂😂
Not going to chime in but the whole issue is based on a CONTROVERSY that is as old as our society itself Please be more respectful of our female players
I don't see the odd statement about "every woman ..." in the answer. Perhaps my app is different?
very difficult 😣
Pennyenn, you're spot on girl. Many do!🙋♀️
farwa bano
FriedElderberry56313, but I like horoscopes but sometimes
Works of the devil, that’s what it is
They must have updated the answer description. Women love to complain more than we like horoscopes LOL kidding
one of the choices should have been: the bogus fleecing of gullible people
Hall, Kevin '87
I don't see where it says that
Player #34641139
MetalDragoness76, you do realize the stars as seen from Earth (and duly charted) at any given time are not necessarily in the same position or condition as we see them, depending on each star's distance from us and the corresponding travel time for their light to reach us, right?
Player #34641139
Player #2215509, well, OUR star (the sun) does, I'll give you that.
Player #34641139
Uninitialized, I'm not sure what that means, but the sun is a star -- the moon is not.
Player #34641139
Jervy Josiah, how is it psychics and fortune tellers who are debunked never saw it coming?
Player #34641139
koteshwar , and it's funny how the most recently discovered planets and stars seem to have no influence. Go figure!
its not a fact but somehow gives a reading of your personalities. to believe or not depends on each individual. in my country Nepal, people do believe in and facts are spoken in front of them.
Alexandra Kendall
blazingbookworm, the horoscope depends on the entire birth chart. Each planet has a different meaning. I'm a double Scorpio with Leo ascending. So I never read the ones in the magazines etc. You have good points.
Yes they do effect our life as solar storm from sun effect our communition
Vj Chand
Horoscope never decides or predicts future... Its unproven... Some people have Blind Belief in it..
What Nostradamus was actually known for during his life.
the comments.. jesus .. people getting triggered on a trivia app..
fudit ship in balloon
Hindi teaching question ever
Player #24109728
i hate horoscope...i dont believe it and i never read it...and i am a woman