William Shakespeare used the phrase "All that glitters is not gold" in which of his plays?
Correct answer: Merchant of Venice

Please correct your quote dear Hitman to "glisters" not glistens. Your info is usually really good and accurate! Gratitude if you can change it. Thank you!

VividPotion6704, it says glistens on my page

originally it was glistens

Player #25874027
Read the explanation

Player Eldehem
VividPotion6704, they did change it, or at least they defined it, 5 lines from the end. I'm sure everyone's gracious apologies will be well recieved 👍😂

Twelfth Night - no 'The'

BaileyPittipat, yes I so Agree! This is wrong. There is another question about this at another level and there it is correctly quoted as "glisters"

Montana Lady
All the dogs of my Afgan Hound's litter had names starting with the letter "P". I named mine, Portia because of this play. :-)