A song by Hank William starts, “Goodbye, Joe! Me gotta go…”. What’s the title?
Correct answer: “Jambalaya"

grandmax49456, sadly he was before my time. But at least his music still lives on. :)

Loved his music

one of the best

Creedence Clearwater Revival did a very good remake of this.

Ben,. midnightfirewalker310
He was county music and HankJr. is my favorite singer..

Elsbeth Mills
He has a daughter Jett Williams who has a beautiful voice. Hank Williams Jr tried to legally deprive her of half the estate which was selfish and he did not win

Ben,. midnightfirewalker310, Hank the 3rd sounds just like him

One of the greats. I dig old Country & especially Outlaw Country.

One of a kind! Hank was pure genius and will never be replaced!

PointyDormouse60089, sorry I sent that too soon! Pierogi (peer-oh-gee) is the Eastern European meat dumpling.
Pirogue (peer-oh-gh) is French for a small rowboat, in this case a flat-bottomed dugout they pole across the bayou.
You'll never catch me on one of those things though, and I jump out of planes! It takes nothing to flip those wobbly things over & dump you straight into murky water filled with alligators, all sorts of venomous snakes & leeches.
(I'll take my bears, mountain lions, & wolves over deadly reptiles EVERY time!)

Nutshell, use to love going down the bayou in a progress. I jump out of planes also.

One of the records I've loved since the 70s is a tribute to Hank Williams by Leon Russell called, "Hank Wilson's Back." Leon loved Hank, Jambalaya and the music of the South, and this album shows that love beautifully. Nowhere on the album cover does it show LR's face or mention his name. Just a song list. It's a MUST for fans of LR AND HW.

Player #137846770
My dad used to play this for us. I miss you Daddy

Many people in America number their children incorrectly. Whether there is a Junior or not, the first child in a family to be named after his grandfather is the Second. If another grandchild is also named after Gramps, he is the Third.

my dad's favorite

I still can't listen to "I'm so lonesome I could cry" without tearing up, B. J. Thomas's cover of it is the best I've ever heard.

Ben,. midnightfirewalker310, he is still one of my favorites , Your Cheating Heart,,is a beautiful song especially when playing on a piano,etc,

grandmax49456, your cheating heart ❤️ my favorite song by him,

Jim C.
So many of the great music geniuses end up killing themselves. He lived a lifetime in those thirty years, though.

Player #49941423
My late husband sang this all the time. Music brings back memories.❤

stay classy
Kaw-Liga! long live Hank!

Player #41568884
Courtesy of my parents I have his albums, Hank Snow, Patsy Cline and others. All vinyl, had to buy turntable to listen to them.

I actually knew the "Joe" in this song.

Annie's mom
Karen Carpenter also sung this song. that's why I knew the answer.

Player #27651841
was the original bad boy. the problem with new country it lacks backbone with its artist and specially it's listeners. remember the Dixie Chicks they spoke the truth never tell the LIE and they were persecuted people are like sheep when they have a lack of backbone they just do as they're told

An American poet.

Famous song on "Steel Magnolias". Remember... The wedding.. Funnier than cooter breath I'm telling ya... 😄

The Taxman, All of our great ones dead before 30.

Elsbeth Mills, Different Mom. Hank jr. was probably raised to hate her.

Ben,. midnightfirewalker310, I like Hank Willams, bit I don't like his son!

Player #21374632
Rick, I grew up listening to. Your cheating heart,,,Floyd Cramer,,done a beautiful piano version of this,,still beautiful today,,

The Taxman
He wasn't even 30???? Amazing

Theresa H
He made great music.

America's first Superstar.

Player #15351910
Ben,. midnightfirewalker310, outlaw women

Player Tystyx

Nutshell, I've flipped over one of those damn things with a fishing buddy. It was gdamn nightmare:o

Mawmaw thanks for all the Hank music .

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Attributed to...what?