Which objects are the brightest in the universe?
Correct answer: Quasars

I love this game!

Early in 2019 scientists announced that they've discovered the brightest object in the universe so far, a quasar catalogued as J043947.08+163415.7. It shines with light equivalent to 600 trillion suns, from a distance 12.8 billion light-years from Earth.

:(Nancy E):
Quasar was the name of an RCA television model in the 1960’s. Makes sense from this explanation

Guillermo Jr.
:(Nancy E):, I recall vividly the night back in 1972 our dad brought home our first color tv.. a Quasar with a 19 diagonal screen.. we thought we had died and gone to heaven..

Miss Pringle, you would be stretched on the way towards it. It's called spaghettification. the point where you can't escape anymore is also called the event horizon.

Cattus the Blackus
vikked, I have a little proficiently with numbers and astronomy and reading about this quasar makes my head explode. The universe is magnificent.

Player #5263116
great explanation!

Player #52801610LB
that picture is awesome

vikked1, Think I'll book my next vacation there. Thanks for the directions.

Very nteresing.. 🙂

Tasty Potato
I picked quasars because I didn't think seyfert galaxies or blazars were real!

quasar explosion

Player #92723922
I remember RCA Quasar, the TV commercial and jingle, too.

:(Nancy E):, Motorola.

Player #110429653
vikked, my brain can't cope with that information!

Player #41942727, I'm fairly certain Prof. Hawking might disagree. Search "Hawking Radiation" or "Hawking Equation".#BlackHolesExist

blazars are quazars, just pointed differently

Player #15250081
vikked, how in the heck is that measured?

Player #22150290
Mama Crow, it depends on the size of the black hole. In the larger ones, you can cross the event horizon without consequences and wouldn’t even notice. Small ones, yes you would be stretched as the closer part of your body would feel more attraction than the top.

Player. Ty

Player #10639782
this picture looks like something from star trek. too cool

quasar. ...nice work

Player #6616037
Where did those names come from? ,,Quasi-mood?

Tha Answer is in the Question.

The complete Chook.
A very comprehensive quizz.

Mama Crow
Ashant Of Downs Of Miya-Pal, Ouch! Thank you for your reply.

Ashant Of Downs Of M
Miss Pringle, The person would be dismembered upon entering gravity fields larger than a human body might stand. Perhaps way before entering the blackhole

Mama Crow
Providing that oxygen and other life supports were in place and functioning properly, what would happen to a person who got pulled into a black hole?

Black Hole are actually very bright but we have to be inside Horizon of Events to see the light... but you could not get away, neither the light !

Very interesting... 🙂