In which country is the 'Sinai Peninsula'?
Correct answer: Egypt

I didn't know part of Egypt was in Asia. My little nugget for the night! Great game.

The text neglects to mention the gulf of Suez on the west and the gulf of Aqaba on the east, which are arms of the red sea separating the peninsula from mainland Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Jordan respectively. The famous resort town Sharm El Sheikh is also located at the southern tip of the peninsula.

Spent time being under Israeli control due to Egypt providing PLO with smuggled arms through tunnels on the border of Sinai and Israel...

Player woody2327
I had thought Russia was the only country that spanned 2 continents. Love this game!

John Lester Santiago Villaruel
Player woody2327, Turkey as well. Istanbul is in Europe but major part of the country is in Asia

i wont mind vissiting egypt

Player Elf Council
vlooi, I've been and it's a wonderful place.

( Snail Darter)
Montana Lady, Part of Erdogan’s big plan to stimulate Turkey’s tourism and pay for his war against the Kurds....

Player woody2327, Turkey is probably the most well-known of the countries that span 2 continents, namely Asia & europe. Also known as "occident " & "Orient"

Thank you for your service. I hope it wasn't too awful for you.

Player #29152846
Player #12654168, you are wrong. Mt. Sinai traditionally known as Jabal Musa is a mountain on the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. Quote possibly the same location as the biblical Mount Sinai where Moses received the 10 commandments.

That's on my bucket list 😉.

Tina's twin
Imphx, can't imagine your suffering. may you be blessed

Player #12654168
mount Sinai is not in Egypt that is fake...the real Mt Sinai is in Saudi arabia

* Seshati *
MeulemansF, great add of info thanks

I spent 6 Mon hs there in the U,S, Army with the 4/187th infantry

Montana Lady, Again. bring something negative into our learning game. Too bad.

( Snail Darter), There is always someone to politicize

Montana Lady
catwoman, that's a rock formation that looks a little like a boat, but they won't let anyone get close enough to see it because they want the tourist money.