What type of dish is a 'ragout'?
Correct answer: Stew

Player #3286873, - Thanks for sharing that your wife makes a great stew. I can relate. women & men (my father and brother) in my life made some of the best "comfort food" stew there could be.

Zell. I am a female
yayyy I finally got 3 right in this whole trivia. lol

Player #9954084
ragout pronounced ra-goo or the same pronunciation as Ragu the spaghetti sauce.

Player #4355392
DocPollux, Stew is a thick soup. Regular soup is more liquid.

I love learning something new!

Penny Plant
ChampionNymph37634, I enjoy Mulligan stew. It's an Irish dish

Just looked up a recipe and will make this soon, never heard of it before.

Player #6013367
I’ve made ragout for years. I always use whatever veggies I have on hand; I’ve never added meat. I serve it as a side dish.

Player #1482267
I just guessed and I got it right

ragout de pate de Cochon French Canadian favorites yunmmmy

Ha! I thought it meant....oh, never mind.

Proud FenianMan
Penny Plant, Actually it is not an Irish dish so much as it was named after poor homeless people who were , unfortunately, Irish. Mulligan stew was a term given any combination of items that the poor could access and throw into a pot. It was also called "Hobo Stew"

Suekirider, if I were French or even Italian, I’d be offended. “Ragu” from a jar is way too sweet, but that’s probably because Americans in general like their food sweeter and it is on the American/Canadian market.

Frenchman, rabbit ragout, yum

DeAvery, in Italy, doesn’t ragú refer to a sauce made with meat?

Yummy... 😋

Player #Abi_gezunt
who knows what Chulent is?

I'm Italian and had no idea ragù is a word borrowed and adapted from French. This changes everything 😆

spell ragu right...

Player Jake5.2
I would really like to see a scrollbar on the comments section. Anybody agree?

Player #33668407
Bologna is famous for the Ragu' not Napoli. never heard of Ragu' Napoletano.

Player #25874027
Why can’t your wife cook roast beef?
When my wife cooks it , there’s never any leftovers!

Player #22213300
NefariousResident6, recipe should have been uploaded 🤪

Math Magnesium
Soup vs stew not fair!

NefariousResident6, hmmm...🖒

Player #25398307
Desi Arnez sing about Beef Ragout while Lucy is being tossed around in the Silver Bullet Camper he is hauling! Never Forgot that!

Player #21374632
Zell. I am a female , I’m proud of you

Player #21374632
NefariousResident6, I want some,!,

Player #8567704
So many cooking shows now. Who wouldnt know this. lol

JR. Gee
I've had that, taste good with 🍞 butter

Player #11262025
ragout is basically a

Ragoût de lapin

Player #9802152
crzl l

Player #9495659
I took 2 years of French in college, taught by a French woman.. Lovely and kind person. She not only taught the language, but also the culture. I am unable to recall her discussing ragout. Unfortunately, the closest I have come to is from a can......what a disappointment!!!

Player #8008224gato
Player ecala, yo creo wife Espanol es mas cerca latina

never knew this . I'm going to use this word next time I make "stew"