In Greek myth, who was turned into a laurel tree to escape Apollo?
Correct answer: Daphne

I thought I knew Greek Mythology. Another lesson.

I love mythology! Edith Hamilton is my muse. Yet, I still missed it! One is always learning.

CaptainLoserNumero1, Bernini's sculpture of Daphne is one of my favorite pieces of art. It does look like you can see the transformation happening right before your eyes!

Laurel leaves are called "foi de dafin" in Romanian. Literally means Dafin Leaves

CaptainLoserNumero1, that is by far my favorite sculpture!! love the flowing and delicate details of Bernini's work... and Apollo and Daphne is my favorite of all of them. never have yet seen it in person. its on my bicket list.

That's very similar to the story of the naiad Arethusa being pursued by the river god Alpheus before being turned into a fountain by Athena.

geodoom21, Yh