In Southern California, what is Forest Lawn?
Correct answer: A cemetery

Personally, I don't think that upright headstones are "unsightly, depressing stoneyards". I find them to be a testament of the love family members had for that person. I find the older ones a piece of history. Most cemeteries don't allow the upright headstones anymore.

Vina Vandervierf
doxierescued, I was a funeral Director/Embalmer and during my years of working for a funeral home in Hollywood,Florida and another in Erlanger,Kentucky I learned that cemeteries without the upright grave markers charge less then those with the upright grave markers when you go to purchase a grave plot. those without the upright markers are much easier to mow then the other ones that need a weed trimmer to cut around the upright markers..

I knew because of a song that John Denver used to sing about wanting to be "laid down" in Forest Lawn.

Both my grandparents and sadly my father has joined them in Forest Lawn. It is a very beautiful peaceful place.

it is beautiful

KookyOrangutan5005, So many famous people are buried there, including Walt Disney, that it's globally well- known.

doxierescued, I love old cemeteries. Have been to several around the world. Wonderful art and history.

I think all cemeteries are beautiful.

Fly by toward downtown on the Golden State Freeway and it is on the right, imposing, reverential. Expensive. Movie stars can afford it.

Player #21374632
doxierescued, Personally,,,I agree with you,,,I and my family love to visit old cemeteries, it’s looking back at history but afraid it is a thing of the past cuz almost all people will be cremated and put in a box or urn and scattered in the wind. In the future etc,

My grandparents are there! So is my grand fathers second wife!,

there is a cemetery in a little community that is kept up by the people in the community and by relatives of those who grew up there. people take turns mowing it and once a year everyone gets together and does any major work that may need to be done they stop for a picnic lunch and then finish. the cemetery is still used today. we have upright grave stones and people come and do rubbings of relatives going way back to I think the 1800's

Black Ice
Rich or poor..whatever nationality..whatever religion..every body goes back to mother Earth

Player Glamingo60
My grandparents and paternal gg parents are buried in Glendale Forest Lawn. Fortunately the plots are held in perpetuity.

Player #16132541
... and don't forget to tip your waiter

at one time people of color couldn't be buried with whites the first person of color to be buried at the one in Inglwood CA was a mexican woman I read her head stone while there one day may she be in God's memory

people are dying to get in...
I'll be here all week! try the veal...

Player #12741763
My hometown has a World-renowed grave place: CrownHill. As a child I spent hours there reading & enjoying the peace. it's expensive also.

Player #12741763
WaldoLydeker, U know what I'm talkin' bout!

Player #12741763
VickiMG, Like I said you're gonna pay a pretty-penny so the Stars & famous can.

Player #12741763
For a very expensive hole in the ground, might I add, but I'm worth it.

Player #12741763
doxierescued, thanks 4 the info.

Nashville Bound
LightGlass2016, 😄 good one

Player #4612565
AmicableElixir173, 0

The final resting place of Michael Jackson

Vina Vandervierf, As for me, & I believe, majority of people, written sentiments & tokens of love want to be viewed, not just for surviving generation of offspring &/or loved ones but for future generations as well. Despite beauty of such Memorial Parks, wherein focus is on landscaping & ambience, a cemetary is about rememberence; the lasting memory

Player #4576909, lol

Player #4576909, Good one. Don't let any put you down. We need a little humor in our lives.

doxierescued, go to a Veteran cemetery, most are upright.

We just laid my Mom to rest at Forest Lawn Covina Hills last May. It is beautiful there.

My father my first wife and best friend are
buried at the Hollywood Hills location. I have a plot alongside my beloved Elizabeth when it’s my time to go. It’s a beautiful place to honor our loved ones. Onward and
Upwards when we go to meet our Heavenly Father

Player #2464783
Bulldogsmomma, then why is it sad?

My grandparents are buried there. I will be visiting next month.

Player #4355392
Player #2512936, If someone gets crushed, then they were doing something that they weren't supposed to be doing.

Vina Vandervierf, I guess that makes sense.