Which reality show always closed with the host wishing the viewers "champagne wishes and caviar dreams"?
Correct answer: Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

I was disgusted with the show and could not watch it. With all the poverty in the world it was a distasteful useless show.

Think Tank," what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?"

I'm wondering if the show would be a hit today since we are inundated with so much hedonism, Clooney's villa on Lake Como, for instance.

Felicia Abrams
Pchblsom, Kings, Queens, royalty, rich and famous have always existed on this Earth. Don't be deceived to think this century of humans are any different. Much of the reason Jesus said the poor will always be with us....poor in material possessions, poor in spirit, poor in love, poor in strength, poor in friendship, poor in mental health....the list goes on. It is important to understand and call out excess in each of our lives. Many of us live posh lives, even if we're not the super-rich. Waste is waste. The lesson we all must learn is, Less is More. Giving should be a priority over receiving. Loving and serving each other is part of Jesus' great commission to mankind. Blessings!

I liked that show an digged his accent.

I enjoyed this show

Player #24754552
miss it so , never missed a show.....Rest In Peace

Mars V
Lifestyles of the Relatives of the Rich and Famous!😜

Felicia Abrams , AGREE!!!

I loved it 😍! It inspired me!

Giggle pig
Pchblsom, I never sold the show nor would I seek it out. But I know that we all have problems, holding yourself up to the public as though everything is peachy Keeny is not accurate.

Pchblsm, me too; watched it once & that was enough. Nobody needs a solid gold toilet flusher. On their yacht, no less.

Player #50423342
Pchblsom, that is so true

Player #13023389
I watched the show 5 or 6 times not so great. Debby

Player #5100533
Pchblsom, YEAH!!!! Capitalism is so BAD. We should ALL be socialists. That way NO ONE would have Anything. Would that disgust you as well???

Player #4852185
The explanation doesn't even tell what country it was shown in.

JustBreath, For those born between the late 80's and present day, surely.

FoulBruiser576, impossible for most Americans as well.