Peter Benchley wrote a novel in 1974 that became the basis of which famous movie?
Correct answer: Jaws

Peter was a reporter in "Jaws".

Muthax, I think we're going to need a bigger boat

Player #3772077
KOOLWHIP, Me too. I didn't go into the ocean from 1975 to 2018.... and that was because I had to do it for a film. However, I saw the dolphins behind me so I knew I was safe.

my favorite movie

Me 10/1954
It was based on a true story that happened in NJ in 1916. And the creek that the boy was killed in was Matawan Creek.

Player #3772077, Spielberg won't swim in the ocean. Since making Jaws. Reckons they might have a Vendetta towards him.

we're gonna have to get a bigger boay

Malteras this great game :) Two posts are enough from me...

I couldn't get into the ocean for 25 years after watching this movie.i was so scared.

Great film and trust me the book is on par

penawareof, yep Peter. Started it all. No other film as like this.. a great story

Mars V
The movie was much better than the book.

I'm glad the movie hadn't been released earlier. I would have panicked if I'd seen that movie when I was pulled out by the tide receding. I could barely see 3 story buildings on the horizon and no matter how hard I swam, no progress! If I had seen Jaws, I would have been too afraid to swim.

Player #130998363
Julia Child helped our government develop shark repellent for the Navy divers. Saw it on The Story Behind the Story with Mike Rowe

Went to the Theater when this first came out, when it was over I hid in the Theater and watched it a second time free lol.

rayer, I read the book and watched the movie, as well as every consecutive Jaws movie after!
Nothing could compare with the original!
I don't scare easily, and am super proud of that, but Jaws gave me nightmares and a fear of swimming in the ocean for years!

I joined the Navy the year Jaws came out, and the night before I left for basic training I took my girlfriend to see it!
In the navy, after I got on my ship, most of my shipmates were scared of sharks!
We used to perform small arms weapons drills by shooting sharks while at sea, missing mostly!
It took years for me to get over my irrational fear of sharks!

Player #120374466
Along the west coast of USA there has been enough great white shark attacks to arouse reasonable caution.

Mars V
Another movie that is waaaay better than the book.

Sassy, He died of pulmonary fibrosis. He looks so old in the photo, even though he wasn't old. He was very handsome when younger.

my favourite interests are movies

Yep, I've been a longtime fan of both Jaws III and Jaws: The Revenge as a small kid growing up in the 1980s...

He died at the age of sixty six years old that seems young to die what was the cause?

one of my favourite authors

Me 10/1954, fav

Halloween Queen
One of my all time favorite movies!

I loved all the shark movies and I have swam in the ocean after watching jaws, it honestly never scared me away from swimming, my favorite sport

Our son wouldn’t take a shower with the door closed for years, or go in our pool at night. It’s interesting that Benchley regretted the fear Jaws created & went on to try & protect them.

NEXUS6, great quote 👍

the movie soundtrack score was a hit easier than the theme of Pink Panther

like the jaws the movie...

Player #25874027
Probably want a cut of the profits

jaws will always be a favorite of mine.

Player #32336787
do I get a chance to get it right will this question come up again?

I don't like this question

Player #13023389
I saw the movie when it first came out and was living in Myrtle Beach. I didn't know the answer but should have. Debby

I've read the book. It's quite different from the film 😬

I knew the sweetest chick who had personally made the electrical jaws with her husband at the time. She was once an art teacher at a high school in ft. worth. I'll never forget her an that's for sure! 😎

hungry wolf
the book "The Island" was great! the movie...not so much.