How many large crusades were there during the 11th century to the 13th century?
Correct answer: 9

The islamic movement in the middle east, across North Africa and later Spain and to Austria was not going to be stopped by forgiveness and kind words.
The islamic people were the belligerents and would not have stopped. All of Europe would now be islamic, and speak Arabic, if the crusaders had not stopped them.
The modern anti crusaders movement is another example of history taught to hate westerners, white people.
Thank you crusaders for dying to preserve my people.

Player #7850667
England was bankrupted financing The Crusades.

MoodyGauntlet48202, Those who encouraged the crusades definitely did not follow his teachings (thou shall not kill).

Player #48458
Player #1726311, the crusaders treated the Jews and Muslims horribly. they didn't care about anything except killing the muslims

Just goes to show how bad religion is ban anything fun but don't mind a bit of slaughter.