In Mark Twain's novel, in what town on the Mississippi does Tom Sawyer live?
Correct answer: St. Petersburg

ok. Now I have to read it. I am 64 and never read it. Your explanation totally intriqued me.

As an English teacher I taught my 7th graders many Mark Twain novels and short stories. What a wonderful writer! I found it intriguing that Mark Twain always said he would die when Haley's comet returned, and he did.

love these old classics ❤️

I remember reading Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn to my younger brothers when we were young. That was out sat morning and throughout the day they would sit and ask everyone what they thought would happen next. Such memories.

People...please stop trying to correct something without knowing yourselves!! Tom Sawyer WAS from St. Petersburg. It's a fictional town based on Hannibal, which is where Mark Twain lived. Read the book.

I visited Hannibal MO It has such wonderful Mark Twain history. You can just visualize Huck and Tom on that Mississippi River.

Wonder Valley Farm, This drives me nuts! Egotistical people who feel the need to correct someone when they themselves are wrong. Tom Sawyer lived in St. Petersburg. Mark Twain lived in Hannibal. Have you even read the book?

Read it when I was in Junior High. It was required reading even back then ... after reading the book the teacher had the students put on a play about the book and I got to play Becky LOL

watched the movie "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", 27yrs ago. hope to watch it again with our kids

MikaylaSunrise1967, He was also born the day Haley's comet first made it's appearance. Now if that wasn't a life written in the stars, I don't know what is!

Proudly, my home town, Hannibal, MO. The books are based on real places and people who lived there. We call Mark Twain our big brother. The grave yard, islands in the Mississippi, and places described in the cave are real. It was an interesting city to grow up in. Unsinkable Molly Tobin Brown, and inventor of the Lear jet are all from Hannibal.

Jenn Natalia
mareze, your brown skinned avatars had it canceled because it's not politically correct even though it's a true reenactment of History

seanieG eire/kreta
mareze, born same year Halley's comet appeared and died same year the comet appeared again.

Mars V
Duneboy, It helped me as a young reader to read the dialogue out loud.

great stories, and Huck was way better. sorry, Tom

? ?
Love how the story was made

Player #41848581
Player #29165163, i was taught in school that “farther” is traditionally used when referring physical distance - and you will find that in this instance the usage is correct, and you are on the internet so you could check before you publish proof of your nescience.

one of my favorite book😊

MikaylaSunrise1967, Good for you!!! Mark Twain should be taught nationwide. Not just his stories, but his essays and editorials as well...

Player #38618593
It wasn't Tom's obsession with stories, it was his obsession with TELLING stories (tall tales, lies) that repeatedly got him into trouble.

MikaylaSunrise1967, I wish you were my english teacher! Ive been wanting to get my hands on some Mark Twain books

Alfonso B Ebanks
And Hannibal?

Player #29165163
its further down not farther down ;)

swag dude
my one of the known childhood stories 😃

me, knowing nothing about missisipi.

mick dundee
must remember to use my hints doh!

I also taught Hannibal mo grew there but not born there

I found Huckleberry Finn hard to read because of the out dated dialogue, but I am glad I did.

jane083, I attended the Mark Twain Writers Conference there in 1991. It was very scenic.

It had to be St Petersburg , because Leningrad is in Russia.

Player #5026218
Mark Train's Tom Sayer lived in Hannable Missouri . Not St Petersburg Russia. I am truly incensed that this was missed!

Canis Lupus
RushMama2112, It's not always the right answer. Has happened to me twice.

millwallmarty, that is correct sir

MetallicEnsign27753, So why don't you read both books?? good at any age.

Player #4400927
good to know

RushMama2112, Most of the time the majority hint is correct. I've only encountered twice when it wasn't. Luckily for me on one occasion I had guessed and my guess was correct!