In which European country was there a civil war from 17th July, 1936 to 1st April, 1939?
Correct answer: Spain

Mike T
My mother was just a child when the Spanish Civil War took place. The city where she lived, Malaga, was hit hard and many lives lost. She escaped with her two sisters and mum and dad, but her mother and one of her sisters were separated during the chaos. It took years for them to find each other again and be reunited as a family. Fortunately though, they all survived unlike many others, sad to say. Wars have a terrible impact on people's lives, the results often lasting a lifetime.

I know this because i studied fine arts! Pablo picasso’s guernica :D

Spanish politics are so complicated. There's not one "good" side. And even today, the divide continues. Removal of Franco from Valle de los Caidos, which he so cleverly built to honor the fallen, is a continual sore point for both sides. And the question of Basque independence further muddies Spanish politics.

WaldoLydeker, please, READ books. Franco was an assassin and for us (Spanish people) he is one of the shame people who was born in here. He mustn't be "honoured", he was a killer and assassin. He was a dictator.

Player #29089582
he was no general!!

actually started July 18

Player #2526057
I studied the Spanish Civil War in History at School, when I was about 12.