What is the name given to bone fractures found in infants and children?
Correct answer: Green Stick fracture

I wonder if the green wrap was a hint. I missed it.🤔

RegretfulHuman68, greenstick fractures occur with immature bones as they have the ability to bend more before they break. It is extremely rare for an adult to have this type of fracture as their bone cortex has hardened as their skeleton matured, but it has occasionally happened. There are multiple specific types of greenstick fractures such as the buckle and bend fractures that cannot occur in mature bones, only children

Agree with others that green stick fractures occasionally occur in adults. Colle's fracture is quite common in children.

Player Sherry
faithfulservant, 52 we should have noticed that green wrap I missed it too

new info for me.thanks

Chris RN
Colle’s fracture of the radial bone in the wrist most frequently occurs when a person tries to brace themselves when falling. They extend the arm, bend the hand and the wrist sustains the impact of the fall.

faithfulservant, I think it was. That's how I guessed 😀

...2nd 2 yrs past:compound in the Achilles heel...

first fracture at 14/15 yrs age...

Player #4874807
Another guess