Which is the fastest-growing religion in the world?
Correct answer: Islam

Carol S.
very scary

biggest threat to the planet???...dumb humans...lol

agree, scary thought that they plan on taking over

Montana Lady
LOL! Shame on you who fear what you do not know. I'm an American Christian who has lived & worked in the Middle East for decades. All of this fearmongering is ridiculous!
First, most of the terrorist acts in the US over the past decade have been committed by native right-wing extremists.
Second, for those who were saying "only Jesus will save us". Guess what??? Muslims love Jesus, revere Him as a prophet, and are expecting His return at the apocalypse too.
Educate yourselves, instead of spreading hateful racist lies!

Player #4047702
I hope that there will be peace everywhere in the whole wide world.

DrFishless, good reply. There are extremist in every religion. To those who fear the unknown - do your research before spewing unfounded hate. All religious groups have the basic belief of good and kindness to others and the belief of a higher power. Because your neighbor takes a different path to the end does not make them evil.

NobleDynamo82296, what people are scared of is the backward ways, how women are treated inferior, and how they hate Western ways. We like our life of freedom and don't need punishing for enjoying the few years that we have on this earth by having to worry about some god that I personally don't believe exists.

Montana Lady, but that's the point it is history hopefully we have learnt not to push our views on others with violence. Live and let live but please don't push religious views on individuals who are trying to live good kind lives without being preached to.

silly millie
Player #3147300 cind,
not new, just a big threat. read their history. it's violent. convert or die.

Player #16630450
I have no issues with the Muslim religion it’s the Catholic religion especially nuns in my day that were brutal and cruel who I still have a problem with..then add the horrors committed by priests to those poor children..it’s just heartbreaking..

Player #145533788
i was born and raised as a Muslim and this is my understanding:
islam is the greatest threat to mankind...

Montana Lady, thank you for being fair and honest.

Montana Lady, the Jesus of the Bible is not the Jesus that the Muslims believe in. the Jesus of the Bible is God and not just a prophet.

Carol S., why?

⚜️Faruk ⚜️
Carol S., why scary ? Alhamdulillah

DawnyC, it's spelt qur'an. and learn European history. women were second class citizens until the 20th century. I am sorry but white people have short memories.

luckycatfay, those backward ways you speak of were practised by Christians up until about 500 or 600 years ago. women were burnt alive for not living under the control of men. women were force-fed in prisons because they wanted the vote that was the 20th century.

Carol S., why?

silly millie,
clearly you're talking about the spread of Christianity.

That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself.
Dadistan-I- dinik 94:5

Regard your neighbors gain as your gain and your neighbors loss as your loss.
T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien

Surely it is the maxim of loving kindness: Do not unto others what you would not have them do unto you.
Analects 15:23

All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do you even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
Matthew 7:12

Hurt not others in ways you yourself would find hurtful.
Udana-Varga 5:18

This is the sum of duty: Do naught unto others that which would cause you pain if done to you. Mahabharata 5:1517

for those of you think that's bad news, read Michael Harts ranking most influential persons in history see why you been informed wrong or many other study that's not biased towards what they written about

Montana Lady, thank you for your common sense and compassion

Anthony Tipton
Player #3147300 cind, I agree and even though I am a staunch believer in God, it's sad that religion has caused more deaths than all the plagues, wars and diseases combined. Sad state of affairs.

Anthony Tipton
Jeorne, nicely said and I would be the first to join!

Montana Lady, astute lady

Player #4047702, as of Feb 2022-things are looking horrible for us!

Dontknowabout SHMEEE
Carol S., I bet theres alot more people who are agnostic

as long as they don't force us women to veil, like in Iran, Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, people can believe any mithology the choose. the problem is when we it is imposed on others

Carol S., my thoughts exactly.

I heard the Koran is a very peaceful holy book, I was talking to a Mormon once who said he had read it, and it can also come across as very violent, that’s obviously how these extremists see it. Also as someone else said , women are seen as second class citizens, having to stay at home and have to be completely covered up just showing there eyes . But I also know a Muslim and he is one of the nicest people I know

ron, I agree. All religions are written in a book.. which unfortunately has been added to, changed or otherwise by a mere mortal to suit their times, needs & greed. Have a close look at the Vatican.. the amount of gold in that place alone would help thousands of homeless or underprivileged, not to mention the real estate a lot of religions own. what happened to help they fellow man. For what it's worth.. your either a good person or not, regardless of religion.. It's that simple.

I find that disturbing. I hope that people grow to realise that world religions contradict each other... There are more than 4,000 religions, one of which is Islam. I don't care whether people think there's a God or not....I think not. It's the way people behave because of the crazy things they are indoctrinated to think; that's what's scary. Islam is frightening and very unjust.

I thought it was the Bahai Faith