Which country had the top-ranked education system in 2016?
Correct answer: Finland

Player #1489294
As long as teachers are disrespected, and are not allowed to control the students without the fear of losing their job what do you expect. Parents I find do not raise their children to respect the teachers instructions as they were not taught respect either. The classrooms may as well be taught by their peers as they can do what they want anyway. Teachers today are limited to how they do their jobs. So what can you expect from them.

the fact some people actually guessed USA is hilarious.

You don't fatten a pig by weighing it. Likewise, you don't educate a child by testing it. The Finns understand this.

Sir Cool 1, I work in the education field and I completely understand. The schools are so concerned with passing standardized tests they are not really teaching.

Player Fenian
well, unfortunately a lot of parents abrogate the responsibility of teaching manners , societal values and tolerance to teachers and that just does not work. Who you are as a person should be developed and instilled at home.

It's a real shame that education isn't the most important thing in our society. Education and focusing on the children is the best thing for any country. The crime rate in those countries is much lower than in the US. I wish that somehow we could be able to take what works in other countries and then apply it to ours.

Player #48458
Sir Cool 1, America's school system is too lax when it comes to education especially where students with as add are concerned the teachers let the kids pass to the next grade illiterate

Sir Cool 1
No. Surprise ther the americans are falling so far behin

Player #1489294, it’s not about wether the teacher can slap the kids around. It’s about how they are taught and what they have to learn. We all have teachers we loved and respected and teachers we hated....

Player #10639782
it definitely would not be the US. teachers are overworked and underpaid.

Player #39661419
Recognized by the WEF, so they're likely just teaching communism

Waldo Lydeker
Hmm, really? How many Nobel Prize winners have been Finns?

What body/organisation gave the rankings, and which countries are included? Frankly, I'm surprised to see NZ so high. The NCEA system is not working here

Shelby Johnson
Some smaller cities and towns will hire just about anyone to teach now. Teachers who are mean to kids who suffer from attention and learning disabilities. Our school system has gone downhill for a long time. Going to take twice as long to fix, if anyone even tries.

Player #48458, Teachers have no say in passing students to the next grade. That is an administrative decision.

Player #36215423
Formal "education" in Australia is hopeless. I wish I had homeschooled one of my children. He was assessed at 6yo with a near-genius IQ yet left school functionally illiterate & innumerate. WHY???

neither did Australia!😑

C. Farr,As an Afro-American, I went to school in US in the 70s....started taking college prep classes in 9th grade...was asked by a guidance consuelor why bother you will never go to college.....some encouragement😥

Old Fool
During my first 4 years of schooling political activists teachers convinced most of their students nuclear war would kill them before they reached 20.
Then they expressed surprise that those students gave up on learning and respect for all adults, creating havoc in their classrooms.
I wonder how many kids these days have the same response to what their teachers are telling them about global warming.

Indigo Shade
My dad finished school in grade 10 in 1951 at age 16. despite that he reconfigured our tractor, a 1945 Massey Ferguson, in 1996 to drive on hydraulics. you used a lever to turn the wheels left or right. he still does highly complicated maths that he learnt in grade 10 on a lot of things on the family property. such math is not taught these days for some reason. I would have most likely done better at it in school in the 00s if they taught such math. As such, I have started to teach myself.

C. Farr
Player #1489294, We are used to think in terms of control, but teaching is about sharing, collaboration, inspiring and going on a journey together. When teachers approach teaching with coercion and imposition, children naturally react with resistance. It's a two way street, but teachers of older generations refuse to let go of the power they expect to come with the role.

Player #38618593
I have always had a vision in my mind of a school ideally designed for students, where every student attends the level in each subject that they are qualified for, no matter what their age. You graduate when you have finished all the levels for each subject. Delightful for students, easier for teachers, win-win.

player one.five
Schools reflect the adults in society. If/when we value all, then our education system will begin to take care of all. USA is stuck in a dynamic of "us" and "them", sad for our students.

Player maz
Andy, this is so true and a great quote.

Player #1489294, I don't know where you live, but in the UK those are not the problems. I taught for 20 years, I very rarely had any difficulty gaining the respect of my students. Teachers need the support of parents without a doubt, but most of all in the UK they need the respect of the government, the absence of its interference in curriculum content, an end to constant change that means nothing ever exists for long enough for its efficacy to be properly judged and sufficient resources to meet the needs of every student.

Need to teach more and test less... reaching gov set targets is more important now than the kids being allowed to enjoy learning.

Player #12981006
Player #4446764, Don't lump all private schools together. We teachers were grossly underpaid in the Christian school in South Carolina, but we taught because we loved the kids. Most of the students learned well. Their parents did not cheat to get their kids into big name colleges, but most of our students went to local colleges and successfully graduated. 😀

Player #17611859, That's why a lot of people are homeschooling their kids.

Player #3945058
You need to include the measure in the question. The PISA results are quite different and more reliable.

Belizean Beauty
I find the teaching methods in the US weak. The work/problems given to kids does give them the ability to think or solve problems, the answers are alway there in plain sight. My child came home one day with a multiplication cheat sheet, said her teacher gave it to her, I took it away and told her she is going to study her multiplication, she having a hard doing division, etc. They need to review their teaching methods, this is why a lot of college professors complain.

Player #1489294, also Britain is so multi cultural nowadays they have to have interpreter's in the class rooms for several languages, and different cultures bring different manners and religion's so this in turn makes for divides and very difficult to teach.

Sir Cool 1, And we Aussies are as bad.