Which city was affected by ' The Great Smog' in 1952?

Correct answer: London

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What people think about it: 22 Comments
UltramaroonSloth5278, I knew it was London but the picture made me think it must have happened in India as well
Graham Y.N.W.A.  JFT
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
EgregiousBeetle280, lots of people complain when the pic gives it away. like showing the author of books. looks like we have to start thinking more
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Player #17611859, "pea soup" is just a general term for very thick fog, not specifically for smog.
Pete Wyeth
Pete Wyeth
EgregiousBeetle280, to stop you from cheating pal :p
Player #96919
Player #96919
EgregiousBeetle280, crafty eh? to throw us off the scent but it didn't work with me, I knew the answer to that one!
EgregiousBeetle280, maybe it isn't India! London is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world.
Old Fool
Old Fool
Sometimes during smog they would try to "burn it off", by setting up lit oil drums in the street. Sounds crazy to use something like that in the circumstances, but the updraughts of the flames did help. But during this event the smog was so thick people stumbled into the drums and got burned to death. People nearby could hear, but couldn't find them.
why have a picture of india up?!
Player judyndisguise
Player judyndisguise
EgregiousBeetle280, people from India live in England too
Tacobelle, it was shown in 'the crown' netflix series
sean G Eire/kreta
sean G Eire/kreta
luckycatfay, i was in London '58 to'62 and some winters the smog was very bad 😞
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, Oh do be quiet, how else could we know the answer....? hahaha....
luckycatfay, I was 7yrs old and I remember how frightening it was. I lived in Middlesex next to London and it was strange not to be able to see the Street lights, just an eerie yellow glow high up. You really couldn't see out of the house windows either.
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, a pea soupa… as we British say…
Old Fool
Old Fool
Blooply, possibly they drove the same way that the bus drivers in London did, with the conductor walking in front of the bus feeling the curb with his foot and banging on the hood to guide them. Very slow, but the only way to get home for many people. You needed to have a good memory to be a bus conductor in those days, thick smog wasn't uncommon, thoughtheevent in the question was exceptional.
I only knew this from watching a show about Queen Elizabeth the 2nd
Player #19361771
Player #19361771
luckycatfay, India lije China is hit hard with smog on a regular basis
Why show pictures of women in saris 😒
EgregiousBeetle280, that for you to get confused
VividPotion6704, not in the 50s it wasn't
luckycatfay, yes it's happening in India now
GiGi2010, also maybe because Delhi has been experiencing smog events? Recently a friend was there when all flights were grounded and she couldn't see her hands in front of her face inside a bus! That's smog.