In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill polluted the waters of what body of water?
Correct answer: Gulf of Mexico

They can and will tell us anything and hope we will buy it as long as they can keep making the big bucks rapeing our land and resources. Sad, really sad is all I can say.

LoopyLynda74, I live 5 miles from where the “tar mat” hit the beach. It devastated our area for years. Our environmental system is still being affected. Thank you for standing up for our environment.

Teslasgirl66, In case you don't know we get most of our oxygen from plankton so while you are more concerned for a few lives try thinking about the entire population of all life on earth. They used things to clean up the oil that are not that much better than the oil itself. Oh and be sure to ask the folks who were affected how they feel about the no harm to the area statement.

we have contaminated our oceans and made it hard for marine life to continue to exist. no one seems to understand that sea life
cannot exist under the pollutants even to the whales and dolphins and other life that would rather beach themselves than continue living. so sad for them ultimately for us.

that's what those companies want one to think, nothing they say will change that thousands for animal died

Player Tystyx
Do you know what's really messed up???
The U.S.A. is not allowed to drill for oil off our own shores/ Gulf of Mexico,etc.
Foreign Countries can example Deep Horizon is owned by B.P.(British Petroleum) Made a hell of a mess,destroyed a lot of people's lives.
And the U.S. had to clean-up the mess, WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE?🤥

Jethrine321, so is it safe to take it you don't drive a car? Is it fine to do it in the mid-east rife with turmoil? I say if it has to be done as from a practical perspective it seems it does then we should do it safely to protect the people on the rigs. Big business sacrificed the safety of their people to save a buck (literally a drop in the bucket of their whopping profit) and I believe that is cause to be incensed but you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. People use oil. If their safety had been prioritized our ocean would have been safer too.

I still will not buy gas from a BP station for just this reason

Player #2549284
Jethrine321, I been in oilfield work for 25 years . so hey BP you blew it ! There is what they call a BOP

very informative

Zell. I am a female , Yes. it's called Deepwater Horizon. A very emotional movie.

or, it was demolished on purpose so that the USA had another reason to decimate the Middle East.

Cool. My husband probably knew this but not muah.

Hate to be "that guy", but... aren't the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico one and the same? I mean, isn't the Gulf of Mexico an inland Gulf off of "the body of water formerly known as" the Atlantic Ocean...?

I just watched the movie today. Read up on the real event too.

SIX-FINGERED MAN, They think we don't remember before the name change

Player Tystyx, bp cut corners, period, they were at fault, we have more oil than the middle east, and can retrieve it much more safety than BP was doing off shore, oil is used in lots of what we use on a daily basis, we can use oil, and still not destroy the environment.

Player Tystyx, had Obama not banned America from drilling for our own oil.

i shrimp in the waters of gulf of Mexico alot of commercial fisherman were out of a job

Zell. I am a female , I'm not sure, but they did make a South Park episode. BP: "We're sorry!

Miss Wolfcamp
God bless all oilfield workers

Player #40688269
All the white seepage is probably cocaine they are trying to smuggle lol

Player #39857818
I live in bayou la batre Alabama so we were right in the middle of it

Guillermo, not me. my foot is messed up so i havent ridden my motorcycle for over 2 weeks....

LeeRoy, that same energy can be produced by wind or water. im not a tree hugger but that is a fact.

Player Tystyx, Shell is owned by the Brits also.

Player #2549284, blowout prevemter

LoopyLynda74, trees, we get MOST of our oxygen from trees.

Player #27933166
the movie was with Mark Wahlberg

This spill almost entirely eliminated the Apalachicola oyster, let alone what it did to less visible species

Player sandy
Zell, yes they made that movie. It was excellent. Made me cry😢

even the self righteous here purchased gasoline this week..
Player #28517517
Jethrine321, this is true. you can't lie to me about things I saw with my own two eyes.

Sherri, my birthday is also April 20th

pj davis
for all those reasons and more if we could take the energy and effort collectively and do good things together for the beautiful world we share.

SunnyGirl☀, Obama shut down the gulf. I was on that rig. I lost friends. lots of good men/women lost their jobs.

Trust me's ALL about the oil!!

Jethrine321, im crying. the poor turtles are also getting choked by nylon ropes...