What well known scientist is known for saying, "God does not play dice with the universe"?
Correct answer: Albert Einstein

Yet more evidence to suggest "Intelligent Design". How anyone can think that we exist purely by chance beats me.

And Stephen Hawking's answer was, 'God not only plays dice, He also throws them where we cannot see them'.

Guillermo Jr.
reading this answer info gave me a brain cramp.

ezasjel, If we're the best that God can do, we're doomed...

KOOLWHIP, I bet he isn't an atheist any longer

Player #29700568
ezasjel, If so, then someone should have created that someone too.

Tom, Well said Tom, so annoying. We all have our own beliefs, so annoying to hear people can't understand what Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawkins were actually saying when they made those references.

Tom, you're rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Player #118382186
I tell ya. I hear this from 'Christians' who talk that the USA is Christian and yes, many claim the religion as their belief. Then I watch this nonsense being played out currently in the Middle East by 2 non Christian groups who claim their God is the true God. (sorry but both styles of clothing of both religions are ridiculous to behold) Let's get back to the USA and consider LDSers and Jehovah Witnesses-r u kidding me with that? Huh? Just finished watching a documentary talking about how Jesus is portrayed in various sects in the USA and was flabbergasted by these knuckleheads who dance around with venomous asps in the name of Jesus.
And how stunned to learn that King James was a closet bisexual. He didn't have to worry about it though as he would've just beheaded anyone who messed with him.

Please stop bringing God into this. The word "god" was used but I am sure he would have preferred "nature" or "the laws of nature/ physics". It was not a statement about God or religion. Please accept a metaphor when you see it.
No offence is meant to Christians or other religious people in this post. 🤔

Knodel1966, it doesn't matter who created God. Einstein said all that exists, you, this game, the universe is all part of the same system. the universe and all that's in it grow according to deterministic rules. All that exists is part of God.

Player #1050673, They dont want to believe that there may be consequences for their actions. They enjoy those actions too much to allow a conscience to develop, and thus, they choose to live in denial. Its sad.

craftmaker758899, that must be some good stuff you're smoking!

Player era vulgaris, no Jewish