In the history of North American professional football, how far did the longest punt travel?

Correct answer: 108 yards

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Joe D
Joe D
kardnut, Yes, in the NFL, and probably the NCAA, the line of scrimmage can be inside the 1. When the play ends, as long as the ball was not "breaking the plane" of the goal line (which would be a safety) the line of scrimmage would be the forward-most point of the ball's final position. I suppose if the play ended with the ball sideways, just inside the field of play, when they placed the ball for the next snap it would be hanging over the goal line. As far as I know it's never happened, and I suspect there is enough subjectivity in the ball placement that it's pretty unlikely to ever happen, but I have no idea whether the rules specifically address that situation.
Player #1527281
Player #1527281
cynicalsurvivalist, u are correct. but, the endzone is counted on depending on what play it is. NFL is awesome. But nowadays,its seems rigged.
Actually, this is incorrect. On a 100 yd NFL field in North America, the endzones are 10 yards each. if a punter is in the endzone, you need to factor in those yards as well.