What animal has been thought not to be affected by snake venom?
Correct answer: Pig
Why is that a question then🤔
I wonder how many pigs suffered and died so they could figure this out? DUH!
Player Robdogpigbin
what is "thought"is the clue
Player #24868437
Jethrine321, as many as suffered for our ham sandwich
Laudy Miss Claudy
What a terrible question for this game!
Player #1157978, I vote honey badger
ManningtonV II
This shouldn’t be a question on here.
a snake couldn't eat a pig if it did kill it.
Player #83925953
It's kinda easy to say what questions should be exempt from this game. However, NOT all of us read at the same level.
Tremain White
Jusspurs, indeed the question ought to have been reworded "...thought to be immune (or better still - 'resistant')...?"
Jusspurs, many questions in this game deal with myths. What makes this one different?
Player #3366575
mongoose anyone.
new information
makin bacon
Jusspurs, key is "has been"
Player #196466
Jusspurs, agree