Which of these is a real medical condition?
Correct answer: Bird fancier's lung

great info !

YIKES..who knew...

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
I used to race pigeons. some people who have it. wear respiratory masks so they can still keep pigeons

not just the droppings - the dust of their feathers.

Player Elf Counsel
DeadlyLabyrinth41231, I did. I knew there was a lung disease called psiticosis which was contracted from birds.

Player #70553044
my dad passed away from this disease

Player #88418654
We have a number of bird houses in our backyard. I always wear a disposable mask and gloves when cleaning them out at the end of the season.

would like to know if it is can be fatal as I've never heard of it. Google here I come...

Wannabe Vulcan
Player Elf Counsel, that's different. Psittacosis is a form of Chlamydia.

Goodbye Moonmen
A show from a while back called Dirty Jobs did a feature on cleaning pigeon dropping. They wore full Hazmat suits. I think that may have been the only time Mike Rowe wore the complete Hazmat suit, to do a job

Player dlb
luckycatfay, I almost did. if your a teacher be ware. have your school checkef

Player dlb
DeadlyLabyrinth41231, I knew almost died of this. worked as a teacher school filthy with pigeon droppings.

Player #3598663
I think there was an episode about this on HOUSE M.D.

Player #19719147
There's also histoplasmosis. Stay away from birds!

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, I was definitely expecting the "racing AGAINST pigeons" ha ha.
They can fly over 70 mph in a race!!!
Y.N.W.A. JFT96

My friend died from it.