Which English town's Museum and Art Gallery has the largest collection of shoes in the world?
Correct answer: Northampton

My home town! Northampton used to be the boot and shoe manufacturing capital of the UK.
There's a boot for an elephant in the museum. My Dad helped design and make it.

Sloane Ranger
VividPotion6704, Yes, it was made for a real elephant. In the 1960s there was an expedition to re-create Hannibal's crossing of the Alps and Dad's firm got the contract to provide protective foot/hoof wear for the elephants. He was the foreman of the Clicking Room and was chosen as part of the design team. He later cut out the leather for the boots.

SloaneRanger2019, Now that is a great story

roystone you are correct Northampton Town are called the Cobblers but they play ye olde English game of FOOTBALL not SOCCER 😆

I believe that their soccer team has the nickname of the "cobblers"

Northampton University still has a leather faculty!

beebee, Well, well, well, stand by for the spelling and grammar police! Stop correcting people's comments, you are being condescending.

SloaneRanger2019, that's really special that your Dad designed the elephant boot... would love to find out more, like if it was made for a real elephant?

Player #252573, my boyfriend had elephant boots. I told him shame on you°!!