What food is repeatedly stuffed in the mouth during the game 'Chubby Bunny'?
Correct answer: Marshmallows

this is a very dangerous game. saliva mixed with marshmallows creates a substance that blocks the windpipe and people have died.

What? Has anyone heard of this? Wouldn't it be funny if the creator of that answer was just messing with us?!

RuralPeddler1513, absolutely, a stupidly dangerous and unecessary 'game'

Player #3469015
nimblemoon, I’ve heard of it yrs ago. One child suffocated while doing this. The heat of a person’s mouth warms the marshmallows and it becomes a choking hazard

Once the melted marshmallow is aspirated into the lung tissue there is no amount of cpr or even tracheotomy that can save the life. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO PLAY!!!

Never heard of it... and I’m not normally one to say “that sounds dangerous,” but damn, that sounds dangerous.

little kids were also being choked 2 death playing that "game."

I don't think that's a bunny in the picture but it is adorably chubby

Player #5122512
AdversarialNomad4517, my dad had a friend in college who suffocated to death because of this game. Like the article says, it's a form of 'hazing'.

yes it is a real Challenge and yes it's more of a fraternity challenge that you would do with your friends in college or some sort of fraternity but it is very dangerous and not recommended for anyone to do it because you can choke especially if you are true Chubby Bunny competitor

little b
I love 💕 to eat masmmalklowd

WTH??!!! i guessed....after 50/50.... never heard of this....ever.

Emori, same with me! I've never heard of anyone dying from playing the game until reading the comments in this game. I guess when my friends and I played it as kids (and adults) we never stuffed that many individuals our mouths for it to be dangerous. it was more funny than
anything watching
others trying to speak
and without sounding ridiculous
without laughing. we would eat the marshmallows while we were waiting for our turn haha

Scotti, My fave sweet is a rocky road. Miniature marshmallows, dark chocolate and a few nuts. Never made me choke.

never heard of it and it strikes me as a foolish game, to be played by people with too much money and time on their hands. Product of a spoilt society

Purple dolphin
I’ve played this game and ended up being sick and going of marshmallows for the rest of my life

nimblemoon, sadly yes, it was really popular for a while

Gunnar Gunderson
AdversarialNomad4517, Looks like a prairie dog in the pic.

I like 'em on some more's. 😋 Yummy!

we used to play this a lot but only with marshmallows, never heard of people doing it with cotton balls, yikes

wow, I was checking if anyone in the comments had already said 'WOW TRHOWBACK!' but all I'm seeing is that it's dangerous. I've never thought of it that way, but you guys are totally right. this used to be a hype in the Netherlands, I think around 2012/2013 or something?

I can't believe this made it into a trivia question!!!

Ive seen this happen..makes no sense to me

Um, this is actually a very dangerous game and several children have chocked to death putting too many marshmallows in their mouths while trying to talk 😪

First I have ever heard of this!

Joe90, go to settings and change to your country!

nimblemoon, the marshmallows tend to melt and block your airway.

2Space, you're right. Think it's a prairie dog (like a groundhog)

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
I never knew that this was dangerous. Thank you everyone for the warning.

Player #16702581
a better game is for everyone to put a saltine cracker in their mouth and the first one who can whistle wins. we played this at backyard Birthday parties when I was a kid.

Player #27034273
Player #5383155, risky game that has caused deaths.

Player #27034273
JenniRobertson, look up the deaths it has caused.

Player #27034273
Player lintynubela, it's dangerous... Don't do it.

Player #27034273
Joe90, the "bloody questions" are also about every other part of the world. Settle down.

Player #27034273
Player #27339209, that's not what you call political correctness. It HAS caused deaths.

Player #27034273
B, Look up the deaths it has caused. Very dangerous.

Player #27034273
FiannaFianna, very very dangerous. Look up the deaths that "game" has caused. Glad it didn't happen to you!

Player #27034273
Player #11503902, marshmallows have caused the death of quite a few too. I'm surprised this question was given without clarification of its extreme hazzard.

Player #27034273
M091190M, it is VERY dangerous.

John, but not with their mouths