Launched in the 1960s, what was the Kodak Carousel?
Correct answer: Slide projector

MALICE, do you not understand that this game is not a competition or a battle of wits. It's a fun way to learn new things and give yourself a pat on the back for knowing some things. Unless your a hater, in which case it's a great place to flame and argue about politics and just basically be mean to your fellow gamer. I chose the former. I am having fun and learning a lot.

I use to have a view master when I was a kid. Same principle, just constructed differently.

My uncle had one. We watched pictures

dollis1963, still have mine and the slides

Player SQinfoNUTS
FiannaFianna, I agree with you. There does seem to be an inordinate amount and and a certainly unnecessary element of fussing and fighting.

I have my dad's old slide projector along with THOUSANDS of slides, many of which I'm donating as .jpgs to historical societies to keep his name alive.

we had one of these when I was a kid. We would have family slide show nights

still have one and works great

Player #35009238
RockNRollMama82, I also have my dads old slide projector and thousands of pictures- also projector stand and screen.
I need to go through them - 60 years worth!
good idea about historical society :)

Used them for presentations up to the mid 90s...glad that PowerPoint came along...

Player #66817220
penawareof, Viewmasters were so cool!

I had one. It was terrific for storing and showing pictures

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
So am I! But I got it wrong!! 😎

ad campaign by Don Draper 😁

I still have one!

my sister gas my dads old still works

Player #2870888, just about anything can be digitally transferred nowadays.

I see them at thrift stores a lot. recently a cast of It in a sweet and scary scene the carousel became possessed by Pennywise

Player #2870888, if it's still around three is a device that does it