What is the usual colour of the eggs laid by the Araucana species of chicken?
Correct answer: Blue

Player #1010751
blue is NOT unusal color in the egg world

luckycatfay, what did she say?

my local supermarket sold these eggs for about a year, then stopped. They were delicious and I would like to be able to buy them again.

I recently read somewhere that the little circle of "cheek" skin is an indicator of the egg color. Anybody know if it's true?

Player #1010751, In the chicken world it is. I raised them for years. I suspected that the hens with off colored eggs were not purebred, no genetic evidence, just observation. They would be a little plumper through the breast.

Montana Lady, how very dare you.

Montana Lady
brooksy92491, actually it was Webster who decided American English should be different, when he published his first dictionary. His words caught on, both in America & briefly in England... but then many of them fell out of favor in England again & only a few were kept there permanently.
*It's funny though, for all of the letters you Brits like to write, you certainly do like to skip a lot of them when you speak! :-P

nimblemoon, no, we don't add anything. The words are the words. Americans shorten them. Out of laziness or efficiency, that is the question.