Which of these vitamins is produced in the human body?
Correct answer: K

I am not a number.
Ah come on questioner, you could have ordered the options so we could have had vitamin C A K E. My favourite.

my husband is on warfarin for blood clots. he has to not eat tons of green veggies because Vitamin K counter-acts the med.

crismeng, Don't forget vitamin L. Helps keep the mind clear and puts a smile on your face.

Kiddienurse 84
aragogandshelob, vitamin K has nothing to do with potassium, which is an element with the designation K. Vitamin K is completely different.

what about the body making vitamin D in sunshine?

The bodies of my whole family run with the very low end of normal. We have to make sure we watch our diet to get enough. K supplements will give us horrible muscle cramps. Have to constantly explain that to doctors.🤔

Player #24460218
See Gp about stopping Warfarin & going on Rivaroxaban.It isn't affected by food & you don't have to be tested as much.

Herlene Tyson
I am not a number., hahahaha🤣

Player #19472386
Vitamin K is necessary for all muscle functions, especially the heart muscle.

I am not a number.🤣🤣🤣 SO CLEVER. And I too 😍😍😍 cake!!

Player #91319843
I am not a number., well done, kekeke

SilverLynxCat sunshine works in helping calcium make vitamin d, health Ed. class.

Is vitamin D absorbed by the skin into the body?

KookyOrangutan5005, Make sure he doesn't eat garlic or too many onions. They are natural blood thinners. Onions are not as bad as garlic. With garlic, the warfarin is magnified.

You can have too much of a good thing. People take OTC and whites of eyes can look orange.

Player #45577704
vitamin A can also be synthesized in the body from carotenoids, so this question needs to be revised!

i seriously didn't know that

KookyOrangutan5005, if needed a bit k transfusion is done. In my family we have experience of these issue

Player #24460218, If a person is on Coumadin due to an artificial heart valve, they can't take Rivaroxaban.

rayvan, good thinking!

Player #33961168
KookyOrangutan5005,im always so shocked to know that doctors

Player UK OK, Yeah, but it says in the body and not on the skin

vitamin d from the sun reaction to our melanin

Player #19474516
ChoctawCharli, I'm so sorry they don't HEAR YOU...

Good to know, may have to visit the health store and stock up. Thanks!

Davy, Livingston, warfarin is still used for people with mechanical heart valves to prevent clots.

Kiddienurse 84
crismeng, where did you get that assumption?

Kiddienurse 84
Vitamin D is also produced by the human body.

aragogandshelob, You didn't actually know the answer, so you made an assumption.

Where the hell do they get the naming from? I thought of Potassium, which I know is NOT produced in the human body, so I ruled K out.

great info ?

KookyOrangutan5005, thanks for your comment. I was trying to remember what med we used to counteract with vitamin k