The Cornish Pasty is most associated with which group of workers?
Correct answer: Miners

Originally they were half savoury half sweet, main course and pudding. Cornish for Pasty is Oggy. They were delivered to the Miners with a chant of Oggy Oggy Oggy from the top of the Mineshaft! The Miners would reply Oi Oi Oi in recognition that their lunch had arrived! People regularly chant this at sporting events etc and have no idea that they are shouting Pasty Pasty Pasty! 🤦♂️😂

Player #379499, in some areas the pasty had apple at the other end from the great gran used to send cornish
clotted cream with the pasty.many families always had a large bowl of cream on the table at all meals.We are a very healthy group!

Player Elf Counsel, that is true. The plaited crust was how they held the pasty and then the crust was thrown away. Apparently their hands were often soiled in arsenic from mining.

The crust was not eaten but used as a handle so the food would not get dirty from the miners hands.

I like how people share their relevant stories and information about the subject

Player #3532789
ElColino8, Thank you that was fascinating. I never knew that!

Player #3235803
CozyNavigator20573, Yeh,saw a documentary about Cornish miners,the pasty used to have savoury at one end and sweet at the other.

Player #8297262
Silverwolf176, quite right, Cornwall was mostly tin mines, arsenic is abundant where tin is found.

ElColino8, They're called oggies in Wales too

Player Teresa611
ElColino8, Australians ‘borrowed’ the ‘Oggy Oggy Oggy Oi Oi Oi’ chant from the Cornish miners, and turned it into a chant for supporting the Australian cricket team: ‘Aussie Aussie Aussie Oy Oy Oy’!

Silverwolf176, the plaited crust is called crimping (and also the verb).

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
similar to the local empanada in the philippines.

ElColino8, thank you! I always wondered why everyone chants that when entering a tunnel on a run.

Elcolino8. That's some interesting information, thank you. Mind you, I haven't heard that chanted for a long time. Perhaps in this day & age it's too harmless!!

Player #47515267
Michigan's upper peninsula consider this to be a staple there too.

Player #47234515
Player Teresa611, it is 'ozzie, Ozzie, ozzie' I thought

we have in Uzbekistan for over 2000 years. and it looks exactly the same and feeling is the same.

Player #46190495, think even a Cornishman might be put off his pastry crust by arsenic in the tin mines.

in Jersey they're called pastries. luv em

Player #46190495
Player #8258475, Never mind, khent know everything

Player #46190495
SOOTI, do you remember Dewdnys?

Player #46190495
SOS, 'tis Ansum. But owed Cornish lol

Player #46190495
dazzaboy73, no way would a Cornishman (or woman) not eat the crust

supa sue
ElColino8, I never knew where the saying came from, that's interesting.

Player Elf Council, I've heard cream from King Island (just off mainland Tassie in Bass Strait) is supposed to be very rich. Available in Woollies & Coles...

ElColino8, Although in Australia it's been tweaked to "Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi"

ElColino8, Boy; you brought back memories! I grew a small mining town in Ontario and we often yelled this in our play. I had no idea where it came from!

Player Teresa611, as an Aussie I hate it.

Player #32782759
ElColino8, they are actually chanting Aussie, Aussie, Aussie at sporting games!

CozyNavigator20573, I lived in Plymouth for a while when I was young and remember my mum giving me a slice of bread and clotted cream for supper. Gorgeous.

ElColino8, what a hoot 😁

Player #8258475
ElColino8, Thought it was the Welsh who did the whole oggy oggy oggy thing - not the Cornish :)

Player Elf Council
CozyNavigator20573, Something I really miss here in Australia. I love clotted cream but it's not available here.

Player #7509116
UnderwayRout4, mining mtn.birth of labor union here too.Pastie shops here, personally don't like then

sorong papuabarat
ElColino8, what a fascinating story!