Having enough venom to kill a human, the 'blue-ringed' is what type of sea creature?
Correct answer: Octopus

Gotta love Australia...blue ringed octopus, box jellyfish and cone fish. All killers!

Docile nature. So just leave it alone.

Interesting. For some reason, I am fascinated by Octopus

Player Elf Council
Top 5: Global Trivia, Don't forget our snakes and spiders.

Saint Nine
Octopodi (or octopuses if you prefer – it comes from the Greek octo = eight & pus = foot; the plural is podes, but octopodi is now considered arcane, mainly because most people used octopi or octopuses, although, to be pedantic, it is the correct plural) are highly intelligent and curious creatures. I've heard numerous takes of them shyly investigating submersibles and engaging in play with the occupants. I find them fascinating because they're so alien.

remind me the story of the guy picked up the seashell and put it in his pocket later on fell over dead . they found out that it was a poisonous snail

Player #Macdane
Imagine how soft the octopus is, but still the were able to devour hard shelled crab, fascinating!!!

Player #14742787
Wow great information , thanks ! Cherry /CEBU🌎🍃 Philippines🌴🌞

Maple Syrup Badger
They don't make the venom by their self. Little bacteria make the venom and the octopus uses it.

Player #19261665
Tetrodotoxin is also found in pufferfish.

I'm not sure that it's a good idea to try to touch sea creatures anyway....

LiLi, few dangerous creatures in the metropolitan areas where most Aussies live. Watch for spiders but poisonous ones generally easily identified.

Centenarian, not to forget crocodiles, sharks, snakes and spiders. God created Paradise on earth, then took a nap and didnt see the Devil fill it with nasty surprises.

LiLi, While there are poisonous creatures here in Oz, you rarely come into contact with them - most of them see us first and scarper! I've been living here for over 40 years and have only heard of a handful of deaths due to venomous creatures.

Player #43148747
Saint Nine, definitely octopudis

Old Fool
Player #25874027, what's to kid about?
The people are far more dangerous than the wildlife...
never seen a snake, spider, shark, octopus or jellyfish drive a car drunk or sober.

Player #27643412
Centenarian, you forget about the snakes, spiders & sharks, we've gotta a huge amount of scary creatures..

Player #25874027
Player Elf Council,
Or Australians!
(Just kidding)

t7tuty and didn't realise

Player #19804339
nice, logo from the black metal band venom

Good rule of thumb...don't touch anything unless you are absolutely sure it's safe!

Player Raving Lu
Player Elf Council, That is what I was thinking when I replied to Centenarian.

Player Raving Lu
Centenarian, Not to mention the many venomous and dangerous land animals indigenous to Australia.

Player #19052892
sea snake too

Dum dum
Stormsurge66, great band! I think they used to wheel out an aquarium on stage with an octopus who could play a theramin that they put next to its tank

Player #18909295
Well qeustion did say a sea creature ! Moving to fast ! Thinking about venom and I thought about a snake ! Better luck next time keep my eyes open !

Centenarian, not to mention spiders bigger than your foot!!! Beautiful place, but terrifying to live there

mick dundee
Top 5: Global Trivia, you forgot the stonefish too

Skarekrow Beich
Haha nice logo. I listen to venom at work. the barrier reef has all kinds of interesting critters

I live in the very landlocked state of New Mexico. but for some reason, I have been terrified of octopi since I was a little girl.

🤘🏻🤘🏻 venom

The band logo cracked me up 🤣

red cheetah

LoL!! I love how the picture for this question is the metal band Venoms logo!

I almost bought one for my marine reef tank, but my head ruled my heart and decided against it.