What country has the world's longest coastline?
Correct answer: Canada

Wow, that's a really good way of explaining just how long it is!

Player #4250921
Guess I would lose some weight doing that.

Player #8000115
I live in Vancouver BC, right by the beach. it is quite beautiful here but, many parts of the world are

Take off to the Great White North.Take off, it's a beauty way to go,

Player #19739823
Contrary to what non Canadians think, we are not a land of ice and snow. Our weather is beautiful!

Player #4249881, go to Google maps and you will find that Canada has a lot more shoreline than the USA.

I live in Canada 🇨🇦 and the beaches are so beautiful. I truly love Canada.

I live in Saskatchewan, Land of the Living Skies. Come to the Prairies where you can see what forever looks like.

I love my country ❤

Player #20121695
I was always thought in school Russians north coast along the arctic ocean from Finland to the north Pacific , Oh well maybe I had bad teachers

I picked Canada because of all the islands in the north. That is still their coastline, right? So, just walking what is mainland then adding those, you'll be walking for more than I can compute.

I'm playing my 999th game. This is only about the fourth or fifth time I've seen a question asked twice. what a head scratcher. oh yes, I am a little addicted to this game.

Laurie, you would have to go well North of 60 or even farther. It is not frozen in the rest of Canada any more than it is in Minnesota or North Dakota.

Republic of China
Player #4250921, Nice comment... I bet obese people would be in healthy weight category if they walked the entire Canadian coastline. But taking 33 years to just lose a good amount of weight? Surely no!

One countryside I would love to visit one day

The best country in the world!

Player #56660557
Player #8000115, without a doubt Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

Qatwalk, as a native Montrealer, yes 😅

miki, I would love to visit Quebéc en été, but you can keep your ice castles during Carnevale. Just send me photos. Je suis du Texas. Vive le chaleur!

Player #19739823, Is that why Montreal built a city underground? ...so they could avoid getting out in that pleasant winter weather? LOL.

I live in Quebec and I can agree that Canada is a beautiful place to live with plenty of lakes and rivers

Sully Girl
Player #8000115, I live in Nova Scotia, I thought I'd better get this right

yeah, but how much of it is frozen much of the time?

Player #4250921,totally agree with you.

at least I get to know it today

I thought it is Russia! 😨