The flag of what US state incorporates the Confederate battle flag in its design?

Correct answer: Mississippi

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
FaithfulReader, first you need to learn how to spell. I don't think you can "loose" a war. Second, no one is "backing" a LOSING side. All of the Confederate Battle Flags are our heritage. If you were born and raised in the South, your distant relatives fought in the war. All of the Confederate flags, memorials, etc. are not signs of hate. They have been manipulated and twisted by idiotic organizations into being portrayed as such. Everyone wants to turn everything into something about race and bigotry. Do some research on the "Stars and Bars", if you can remember how to spell it, and I think you will be surprised.
Forgotten history is doomed to be repeated.
FearsomeFlyer2654, you are right. It's history, the past . it reminds use of how far our country has grown.
lefty two guns
lefty two guns
Player #3914571, it's so absurd that the non patriotic people who cry racism about everything are the biggest racists of all.
During a road trip though the South, I was very surprised to see a great many Confederate flags displayed in front of businesses and people's homes.
FearsomeFlyer2654, The government is redesigning America . & I think it sucks
Player #3906185
Player #3906185
FearsomeFlyer2654, I agree however I wouldn't object if we erected a Memorial for the people who served, & gave theirs lives reguardless of race.
InsatiableWhale48245, However, I am NOT proud of that part of my heritage, how my ancestors abused and dehumanized the ancestors of many of my present day friends, and many Americans continue to try to do so to this day. The Stars and Bars flag is a symbol of a dark time in our history; a time when we called black men "boy" or "n-----". Should we continue to do that because it is our history and our heritage? Certainly not. So, let's find a new way to show our Southern pride.
me, Using your logic, we should not honor the "stars and stripes" considering the near extermination of Native Americans. As for treason, there was no prohibition in the Constitution about cessation from the union so how was it treason. Also, the civil war was more about tariffs the northern states put on southern states (including banking) and other issues. The inclusion of the slavery issue was not made part of the cause until near the end of the war. To amplify, are you aware that Lincoln ' s family owned slaves? Learn history and try to control your "holier than thou" attitude.
BrinyMission54498, not "the govt". A portion of 1 political party with big mouths that has taken hostage some perverted political theories/Agendas and is trying to destroy Patriotism and Love for a Great Country .
The South will rise again
InsatiableWhale48245, it is what it the south 👍
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
ElixSkipper, The southerners must have moved North!
Player #32520249
Player #32520249
I'm tired of people claiming they cling to racism today because it's "their heritage." My family tree is chock full of Confederates, including those who volunteered and those who were conscripted. My family tree reads like a list of battlefields. They were killed at Vicksburg. They surrendered at Appomatox. I'm not proud that I descended from people who rose up against their own countrymen. They killed hundreds of thousands of Americans for the sole purpose of trying to prevent the outlawing of slavery. Confederates were not soldiers. They were farmers fighting the US military.
Devin, slavery is not dead it still exists even in this country. Employing undocumented immigrants and not treating them with respect. Also the sex slave trade. Child labor just to name a few.
KILLean17, it's the big mouths of both political parties who have hijacked/taken hostage their parties and are peverting the political theories/agendas and are trying to destroy the country. It's not one political party but both who are causing the problem because the majority of both are afraid to take a stand.
The issue is that most people believe the Civil War was about slavery. It was about states rights to govern themselves, which unfortunately included slavery. It should have never been brought to the colonies, however it was tribal chiefs in Africa who sold their own people. Just plain evil system to serve the wealthy. It is a reminder of history though; so let’s not forget it was demolished at the expense of 600,000 men.
sawbones04, all wrong. Lincoln's family DID NOT OWN SLAVES. It was his wife's family, the Todd's that owned slaves.
Arkansas' state flag is based on the "stars and bars" if the Confederate flag.
InsatiableWhale48245, I'm sure you are not black or your ancestors were not slave's!!!🤨🤔
No time for love Dr Jones
Player #2251225
Player #2251225
I thought Alabama and Arkansas both had Confederate flag representation. Mississippi changed their flag to a Magnolia. Where I visited the people didn’t like the change and proudly displayed both flags. I support their decision even being from the Northeast. This is America and we can’t just call people names without knowing anything about the stand of the other side. We need to respect people more and we can respectfully disagree with people.
Alas Ken
Alas Ken
As of 1/1/23 it was re-designed.
flags, by definition, are interpreted by individuals. not necessarily ideologies.
The WB, that’s what I was thinking!!! Doesn’t Arkansas still have a small corner and now Mississippi doesn’t have any reference at all?
Tina M.
Tina M.
Qatwalk, thank you for your thoughtful words!
Player #33715478
Player #33715478
TopDogSeargeant46623, It's history, I don't care how much you choose to ignore it, it won't change. We are supposed to learn from history!
Mississippi has changed its state flag to one featuring a magnolia flower
Player #3090415, 67 -70 and it was called Rebel.
Player #56787629
Player #56787629
The flag has finally changed, so this question should be removed.
The WB
The WB
The Mississippi state flag was updated in January 2021 and eliminated any reference to the Confederate colors. The flag now prominently features a magnolia flower. Y'all need to update this question.
I just want to say this slavery is dead in the past but we've the whole subject there where it belongs dead and buried oh and I have a black son so I'm not racist or anything
No Mississippi no longer has the Confederate design on its flag anymore they changed it
The Mississippi flagged was changed in 2020. This answer is no longer correct.
Player #11489934
Player #11489934
In June 2020, Mississippi legislators voted to remove the symbol of the Confederacy from the state flag.
Me Ski
Me Ski
it won't any more..... going to be an obsolete question
Player #14617086
Player #14617086
it has been removed
Player #20305560
Player #20305560
Mississippi is in the process of having a new flag.
Go Braves
Go Braves
The Confederate symbol on the Mississippi flag was retired on June 30th, 2020.
Player #29892537
Player #29892537
it is b4 the house 2 change that aspect, if they have not already