How many ships did Christopher Columbus have on his first voyage?

Correct answer: 3

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What people think about it: 35 Comments
DAdio, as a child I remember asking my teacher "how could he discover a place when people already live there?" she just got mad at me and never answered my question
AceEnemy23746, Yes, I know that song. And in my entire life this is the first I've ever heard that the Nina was a nickname.
Player #6482125
Player #6482125
He left with 4 ships and had to leave one in the Canaries. He sailed on with the other 3 ships.. he returned with 2 ships.. and never set foot or discovered America.. Ponce adayleon, sorry not spelled right, one of Coloumbus' captains, sat foot on America after Coloumbus last voyage.
Orville Parker Gildock
Orville Parker Gildock
the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria.
Saint Nine
Saint Nine
MoodyChef92025, obviously they were savages and don't count 😉 (Terry Pratchett makes quite a few jokes along those lines, ie that people who live there don't count, in the Discworld novels. I recommend them, they're very funny and more a satire on human frailty than Fantasy. I had a few German friends that I kept trying to persuade to read them. Eventually one of them found one at a jumble sale and thought she might as well. She and her kids have become huge fans. She said she should have known better and trusted me as I'd never steered her wrong before). Anyway, seriously you could still call it a discovery from a European point of view as we were ignorant of America's existence. Many still thought the earth was flat and Columbus was actually trying to find a route to the ‘Indies’ (India and the orient, hence the name ‘The West Indies’ for the Caribbean islands) and to prove that the world was spherical.
Player #40122075
Player #40122075
he did not discover this land! The Chinese were here first, the the Vikings! It's called Nova Scotia! They were here before Amerigo Vespucci! Look into to it!
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
Player #6482125, Ponce de Leon discovered Florida while looking for the Fountain of Youth
stan the man
stan the man
Apparently Columbus was not Italian but Portuguese, pending DNA matching.
Player #1486529
Player #1486529
MoodyChef92025, She was probably embarrassed she didn’t have an answer to a good question.
Player #119425939
Player #119425939
Arabeska , if you go by that logic nothing can be discovered as most things have always existed. But to most people then they only knew what they had, so Europeans sailed the seas to make new discoveries (to them), not only countries but scientific, zoological, plant life etc.
Nina - pinta - Santa maria
MoodyChef92025, haha 😆 I always said that same question!!!! how can you discover something which has existed for thousands and thousands of years???
Player #6482125, Can anyone say how Columbus managed to get credit.
highflag, same here!
raybo, The native tribes actually killed some of the Vikings. Why do you think no Vikings ever established permanent settlements.
Player #40122075, The first Native American tribes' ancestors found the so-called new word and the tribes of those lived there long enough to be true natives of that land.
MoodyChef92025, 🤭
Player #40897355, Obama removed the term oriental from federal law and changed it Asian Americans Oriental is considered derogatory. They are only Asian Americans if they have duel citizenship just like black people are not African Americans unless they have duel citizenship
Player #40897355, oriental refers to people of east and southeast origin
Player #6482125, Columbus landed in Cuba one of the places was Guantanamo Bay there is a marker there on the Base
Actually, Amerigo Vespucci was the first to step foot in what is now America, or the USA. I think it was a century before Columbus.
It’s obvious that after learning of his other atrocities years later with respect to illnesses spread the arrogance of this tyrant n his crew the truth he stumbled into this Discovery
Columbus was a rapist and murderer who the Taino discovered while he was lost at sea.
First time in my life I heard Columbus was Italian. I only knew he was Spaniard from Spain. Was I wrong my entire life?
Carol Grunau
Carol Grunau
Orville Parker Gildock, Nina is little girl in Spanish, said like ninya
At Marymount High School I remember asking my history teacher Miss McDonald the same question and was candidly asked why do I want to change what the history book said.
MoodyChef92025, i just can not see me traveling across big oceans in a ship like that, wow that’s was quite a trip..
Player #1486529, Maybe she was embarrassed that she wasn't clever enough to question that information, even at her age, and here was this brash youngster showing her up!
highflag, Same here! I've always known the Nina but ever heard of the Santa Clara. I'm really glad nobody's ever asked me for the actual name of the Nina before now! lol.
Player #6482125, you are correct! Game is wrong.
Player #31753367
Player #31753367
Player Gigi #28446253, Great to hear Amerigo Vespucci has not been forgotten
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
Player #40122075, Amerigo Vespucci did not discover anything, he drew the maps and wrote in the names!
Qatwalk, constantly!
highflag, I wish I could remember the song.
MoodyChef92025, We discover things very often that we're unknown to us, but were already known by others. Haven't your own children finally discovered things that you knew all along and tried to show them, but they wouldn't believe at the time. They had to discover it for themselves.