When is "Father's Day" celebrated?
Correct answer: Third Sunday in June

Father's Day is celebrated in September in Australia and New Zealand.

How can it be worldwide when many countries celebrate at different times??

Player #307455
Player #262536, not in Australia

In Australia it's celebrated on the first Sunday of September.
What a shocker of a question!

Bird Brain 007
Why not include Aussie & NZ September in this question. it's not like it's hard to find out!!

Whoever edited/supervised the questions and answers should check the facts and sources. It's not just many countries celebrate it on different days but good few of them don't have that celebration at all.

september in australia

in Portugal is in April. .....

It is celebrated at that time in multiple countries around the world. Calling it "worldwide" is misleading. In Sweden, it's in November!

Not worldwide. In Italy it's 19 March.

toe jam
lt will be like a memorial day. my dad passed away in his sleep on this day. RIP dad,l will forever miss you.

PJ2800, The basic of the holiday is to honor father/father figures-no matter when it is celebrated

not in Australia, you should stipulate which country you are asking about

Had to use a hint because I'm a kiwi and our month wasn't listed. Not on!!

Player #23579980
in Australia its in September

Uncle Andrew
Not a good question to have because the answer varies so much according to where in the world you live.

Luis Pedro
So wrong, Portugal celebrates on March 19th

Player #11604721
correct answer depends on what country you are in

Player #19719147
If you have a problem with a questions validity, tap the triangle under the text and report it. Complaining in comments is pointless.

not everywhere it isn't

Player #4734161
Love it

loved my pop

not the right answer in Australia, which is the 2nd Sunday in May

😂 Funny reading the comments here. Obviously not a well thought out question. For the record September for my country of origin

Player #11419923
Not where I live, so the answer is not correct

Player #8379051
in australia it is in September

This question should be more specific as it obviously is US based. Australia celebrate Fathers Day the first Sunday of September!

my dads birthday was June 10th.

Player #5416255
In what part of the world.?? Here is a bit of news! USA is NOT the world

November in Sweden. This was a loisy question

Player clemintime
September in australia and new Zealand

Player #5382471
DK, yes, first Sunday in Sept in Australia!

Caracol, you are wrong. It is on 19 of March

Actually it's September; but there was no option for 'none of the above'

In Sweden it's the second Sunday in November. I much rather had it when you could sit outside and eat in the sun ☀️

to all the whiners, most people got it right

Player #3109048
DK, it certainly is

Player #3164370, not in philippines too.

yoyozinha187, so there's 2 different father's days in Portugal, pne in April and one in March??🤔