What was the Great Society?
Correct answer: Domestic programs of President Lyndon Johnson
Player #4250921
A great society is one where people have freedom and choose to work, to help others, and to follow a moral code. It comes about through hearts being changed. No government program will do that.
The Great Society eventually leads to collapse. Remove incentives to work and people work less and less.
BugsBunnyFan, I think most Americans are workers and innovators.
Missy K
Also a band with Grace Slick, I think before the White Rabbit song, and Jefferson Airplane
This was a disaster in the making. For every dollar given to poor people it took
four dollars to administer it. As a result of this crazy idea I switched my major from polysci to psychology.
Player #5080442
BugsBunnyFan, Yet the so called lazy people are working 2 to 3 jobs.
Player #8988878Xet
Missy K, I was waiting for Grace Slick to show up!
Player #4250921, I agree with you BUT I believe we need to fund places, in the USA, where the mentally ill can be safely off the streets, instead of so often homeless; we have definitely regressed as a country in this situation, and we are all paying for it now.
Player #4250921, Beautifully stated❤
Player #13873947
Player Ejag, thank you!
Player #24503825
Player #4250921, so true.
great picture! as if he's stumped by the question!
why display the worst president in history????
It should be left to the states not federal per our constitution
Player Ejag
As an American, I’m very happy with Medicare, Medicaid and school funding programs so Idisagree with most of these commenters.
Era Vulgaris, to paraphrase the quote "the rich are different from you and I"