When was the term "tank" first used as a name for armoured fighting vehicles?
Correct answer: In 1915, during the First World War

3/5 Black Knight
spent a year on a Sheridan tank in Vietnam 1970

3/5 Black Knight, Thank you for your service. That was a horrible conflict.

toilet comittee!!!! hahahahaha😂🤣

Player #4319749
Era Vulgaris, my brother just died of agent orange. he was in Korea & they just admitted that it was there too. His friend who enlisted with him died of the same thing from V.N.

Player #2542559
3/5 Black Knight, the first ever Tank was designed and built in Lincoln, UK.

Player #1750341
A tiny Indian town called Ahmadnagar has the biggest tank museum in the world. i saw a nazi tank there. amazing considering India was never a theater of war for the Germans

3/5 Black Knight, Thankyou for your service.

Jim O
SMD, Sherman tanks were in World War II not Vietnam

3/5 Black Knight, Welcome home, and thank you for your service

If you ever find yourself in Colorado Springs, CO, make sure to tour Dragonman's Military Museum. He is largest civilian owner of armored vehicles and "The most heavily armed civilian in the world." plus a super guy!

Player #1750341, I think it might be the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland. there is an impressive array of WW2 German armor along with a lot of different tanks in general

Player #2542559, . . . CAMBRAI Day is commerated by Armoured Units, honoring the Battle of CAMBRAI, when Tanks were used in WW 1 . . .