By what name is the Gotham City super villain Oswald Cobblepot better known?
Correct answer: The Penguin

Danny Devito played a great penguin

Player. Ty
When I was a kid my Father use to work on Burgess Meredith's car,,, He would come to get his car, walking down the driveway going,,, Quark,Quark,Quark like the Penguin character on Batman! We'd run and hide,,, Nice way to treat 5 year old kids,,, Scare the hell out of us! But he did bring Candy & Sodas and stuff once in a while. Nice Man☺😎

OMG! I hate when my finger hits the wrong answer and I actually knew the right answer! lol oh well... NEXT! :P

Just started watching Gotham on netflix....Love it!

great character.. because real life penguins are so gentle and sweet..

hard to keep the city safe with the penguin running around

Player #66817220
Ryan, so did Burgess Meredith.

Gunnar Gunderson
Player #4197678, Paul Ruebens played his father. His rich snobby parents got rid of the ugly malformed baby.

Lightning 11
Ryan, disagree....Tim Burton made the Panguin out to be a nutwgo hung out w penguins. As the commentary says, he was not nuts. He was a sophisticated villain.

Didn't have any idea & missed this one. Never was a fan of comic book superheroes like Batman. However, I did enjoy one titled "Turok - Son of Stone" and "Classics Illustrated".

Player #5100533
Ms. Margaret, So? A lot of people near where you live, get KILLED or Maimed by white rabbits??? So sad. BE AFRAID OF SOCIALISTS, That should SCARE the hell out of anyone !!!!

Player #5100533
stashio2020, CHEAT a little.....

Player mattster
beebee, buy imaginary stuff.

lily 21, good question

Ryan, indeed he did!!

The Mad Hatter always scared me when I was a kid. Guess it was the eyes coming out of his hat.