What causes white paper to turn yellow over time?
Correct answer: Oxidation

I absolutely love the scent of old books

Player #11503902
SeventhAverage4, When I pick up an old book, I realize it has a whole life of it’s own. For example, a book from the mid 19th Century, was painstakingly created by a printer, who placed letter after letter in just the right place, until one book was finally printed. The pictures you will find in these old books, are pieces of art.

I don't understand why so many people just reply things such as "good" or "like" or even "didn't know", etc. It's so much more interesting for everyone to write a comment that adds to our knowledge.

It happens to other things also not just paper.

FaithfulReader, paper kills trees! lol hows that for a fact? :P

Player #11503902
MALICE, The question refers to paper, that has oxidized. Therefore, the paper existed long before computer books. For those of us, who have done deep research, know there are a lot of books and journals, that cannot be found on electronic books. Try finding a much needed obscure 19th century book on E-books.

QueenieJ8971, right. Metal, for example. Rust = oxidation.

Player #7805361
FaithfulReader, I didn't know that! Thanks for adding to my knowledge.

Years ago I got to stay in a castle in England. While waiting to be called for dinner we sat in the library. We were allowed to take the books off the shelf to read. I had my photo taken "reading" a book that was 400 yrs old! 😁

MALICE, plastic kills oceans, trees reproduce

little b
I've not heard of carqfwgah

SeventhAverage4, for real

Lady Wolf Moon
Some papers are ph neutral meaning that they don’t yellow over time.

SeventhAverage4, so do I, and I dunno why

when we lived in long Beach ca.i used to love going to a used book store. I could spend hours in there. the books were less expensive and I was able to buy a few without breaking the bank.

SeventhAverage4, Not being rude but that's... kinda weird. 🤨

Guillermo Jr.
SeventhAverage4, .. should be a Yankee Candle..

I like the smell of old books 📚😌

MALICE, I'm not sure that that electronic devices are better with their short lifespans. Books can be shared.

I've visited the place where the first printing press was, and is, in Mainz, Germany.

FaithfulReader, didn't know that! good! like!

Indigo Shade
Lea Petalina, the sustainable forests used for paper trees are also silent forests. As they are only for paper trees, nothing else is allowed to grow there. no shrubs, no ground covers, thus no insects, no birds no animals. The ground is the only thing that gets damaged, but as they want to keep growing trees for that purpose, they keep in good condition.

SeventhAverage4, Me too, nothing beats reading a book & smelling it at the same time 😍

who didn't understand a word

Fun guy
Malice: yes & vegetarians kill plants ..

Player #22157218
MALICE, trees are finite and can be regenerated/replanted

like my wedding dress

FaithfulReader, Relax, not everyone is a scholar.

Player #13023389
I've known this 4 years. I love reading old books, yellow pages and all. Debby

Aloy 🏹 💙 🌍
Seems to be the case for the white rubber trim on canvas shoes too

I don't know why I am addicted to this game...

Player #26983372
old 19th century webster dictionary for sale.

why is this I should get 3 chances

ഹായ് ഹലോ

it eventually turns paper yellow because of oxidation

Player #12737677
FaithfulReader, too often I find interesting comments that add to or contradict another post, but there's no way to find the original comment, so I rarely read comments.

I know this because I watch the Netflix series: You

MALICE, trees die everyday naturally, plastic never dies