What year was “Silver Dollar Tennessee” renamed DollyWood?
Correct answer: 1986

Player #1081396
memalo03, Dolly Parton helping where she grew up, cool

Player AutumnWind33
Dolly is wonderful!! She really cares about people. She's very genuine. Never a phony.

I was there for the ribbon cutting, it was my high school graduation year. My Dad was the Mayor of Pigeon Forge in 1986, & helped cut the ribbon. Meeting her that day has been a cherished memory, Dolly is amazing & a blessing to so many. Dollywood is a unique & amazing theme park with amazing views of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, great food too!

She even writes children's books. Pretty good stories of how she grew up with nothing.

She has a program to give free books to children. It's really wonderful!

gma, by far my favorite amusement park. Like a stroll through Mayberry. Love the crafts, the food and the music.

RushMama2112, any female fan of the Professor is ok by moi..

I made an informed guess.

why nobody commet#why