Which of these supernatural TV sitcoms first aired in September of 1964?
Correct answer: All of them

That's crazy they all came out the same year. Must have been a fun Halloween in '64!

I loved Bewitched so much when I was young, and the station changed the time from 8pm to 8:30 my mom told me to go to bed and I could not watch it any more, I cried so hard my mom changed her mind and let me watch it.

All were great TV!

All of my favorites!

Groovy Gus
can't believe they ALL started the same time. I wonder who was the first with the idea. must have been the thing at that time. I was only 3

Player #3999927
Televisión shows worth watching !

Adams Family was my favorite

Player #2208552
Best season tv!

With all of the comparisons, why have we never gotten an Addams Family Meets The Munsters movie? At least give us a cartoon!!!

Minnie Rice
Loved Uncle Fester putting a lightbulb in his mouth and it lit up.

stay classy, it is interesting to ponder that question.

I remember they weren't after school shows but prime time television show's

Cat Mom
Wayne , I thought that too but lately a few questions have tried to trick me by having that as an answer option & it turned out to be the wrong answer

Cat Mom
I can't believe that The Addams family & The Munsters both only aired for 2 years!

Player #104954440
What is super natural about the other shows?

GRILLCHEES, when I watch these shows, I’m eight again lol

I'm beginning to think that "all of these answers are correct" is always going to be the correct answer.

great shows back then

NimbleCavalier81232, that's cute

I was an Addams kid

🤔 Is there a question in this game where 'All of them' is the incorrect answer?

Groovy Gus, I was 7!

I really loved these shows!

The Flintstones were a prime time too

Wannabe Vulcan
And I always assumed "The Munsters" was an "Addams Family" rip-off.

NimbleCavalier81232, mom had to change my bedtime to. It was hard to get parents to change their minds, but I wiggled my nose just right. 😂

Waldo Lydeker
A new TV show that proves succcessful immediately spawns clones from copycat unimaginitive execs trying to jump on the bandwagon. There is more lead time to copy since the popular show stretches for the whole season. There is a myriad of examples in TV history starting with the birth of TV itself in the 50's with dozens of westerns all the way 50 years later with lawyer and doctor shows. For example, the year after "Bewitched" debuted, we got "I Dream of Jeannie". But a real rare occurrence would be in movies. If a film makes it, the following year you'd get the xerox copy. But in 1972, 3 films emerged with a similar theme. All independent productions started simultaneously and not from imitating box office successes. So the stars were all aligned and we were treated to three different films about.....rodeo. "When the Legends Die" (Richard Widmark, Frederic Forrest), "Junior Bonner" (Steve McQueen), and "J W Coop" (Cliff Robertson). Alas, they all bombed. But the rodeo circuit remains popular as background for stories whose main thrust isn't really about rodeo at all. Witness the recent TV sci-fi drama "Outer Range".

Joyous one
Player #20175440, actually there was an episode with the Flintstones meet the Adams family. I loved it cuz it was my two fav shows.

those were some of my favorite shows especially Bewitched.

stay classy
imagine back in 1964 trying to explain to your family the technology of "streaming" these shows...it boggles the brain to think how far ~or~ how little we've come.

Player #40773150
the Addams family was taken from the illustrated cartoons of Chas Addams. in the New Yorker magazine the characters were nameless until the airing of the TV show

Betty Duffy
I just set my finger down, I didn’t pick that. To touchy

Player #34485147
Addams Family was an ABC television show.

Player #33462253
And...I watched all 4

love these shows!

Player #32876605
No choices are showing up for me to select. There is something wrong.

they all came out the year I was born, might explain why I love horror movies 😉

Player #18390045
God's warrior, way to go Pluto TV!

Player #18390045
JDoe555, Great idea , I would love that!

I was a kid an loved them all an will watch 'em again. That's my kind of TV shows back in the 60's I dig.