Competitive Judo was developed from what?
Correct answer: Jujutsu

I do like this question and the info after... but what I find frustrating are the players comments to other players that are no longer there!! Very confusing and disappointing. I actually like to read the comments of other players. What happens to the ‘invisible’ ones!! And, yes, I do scroll down! Lol

aikido is a more ancient form of jujitsu. learned that when I studied karate and kung fu.

Jujitsu was banned by the pro-western 1860's Japanese government. The government wanted to eliminate the Samurais' influence. Some stopped. Some went for the hills and continued in secret. Some developed things like Judo and some fled to other countries to continue their traditions e.g. to Brazil - and Brazilian Jujitsu emerged.

* Seshati *
ThePurplePrincess, I know it’s weird. Maybe they delete app.. I have also wondered!

Mourning Dove Thomas
All of it is an Art that is educational for just about anyone at any age in any culture or belief who wants to learn. It is very interesting and it is and can be a learnings experience for anyone, at any age, any race, color, creed, gender, religious belief, doesn't matter, the Arts are there for the taking if you have a willingness to want to learn. I have a passion for the Arts. I profound respect. I've been in the art since I was nine years of age and I really encourage others to learn the arts for get as much information on the arts and then take it from there before they make their final decision then commit yourself if you decide to get into it and take it seriously do you have a eagerness and a willingness to learn to do so. You will go very far in the arts if that is your goal. I wish anyone well in the Arts.

That picture doesn't look particularly "gentle" to me. : ]

Player #40342095, Not true!
Aikido is the art of evading an attack, and is the primary style of Steven Seagal!
I'm pretty sure he makes it work for him, and the Russian military are rained in AIKIDO!

Celadon, considering the original form of jujutsu was used for combat, and was meant to hurt, cripple, and kill the opponent, the present day form of judo is much more gentle and tame as it is meant to disarm with killing!

Player #40342095
Gary, Akido is one of them martial arts that doesn’t work in real situations where as JuiJitsu does

Judo is also a game in Olympics

Tur D'ferguson
Fun guy, thanks for your words of wisdom...Peter Parker

Fun guy
judo is gentle relative to karate & ju jitsu but it's still a martial art, be happy you never felt need to learn. nonetheless with great power comes great responsibility.. Still recommend women learn to defend themselves.

the ju prefix was a hint..

Player #11646091, You're right. Yawara - a former name of Jujitsu and what became known as Jujitsu is way older. Aikido is one of the 'do' arts (judo, aikido and karate-do) formed after Jujitsu was banned by the pro-western 1860's Japanese government.

Player #11646091
Gary, Jujitsu is far older than Aikido

Smokey Rules, makes sense

Smokey Rules
ThePurplePrincess, Apparently the missing comments disappear when the person who wrote them deletes the game.

Gary, that is simply not true, the creator of aikido died in 1969.

Alexander, wrong

ThePurplePrincess, Too true my sweet. I think you're completely right LOL

Dragon.jon, L