Who is the man in the photo?
Correct answer: Huell Howser

Heartland Old Guy
Agree with those who think mostly only Californians would know this. But I just learned something new. So it can't be all bad can it. After all he did some good by donating his stuff to a university fur future learning.

originally from Tennessee, he was a relative if mine...he did a show on PBS here called Tennessee Crossroads, which is still on. just a different person.

SharingCity, yes, I've visited many of his location s, a wonderful man

He was loved by everyone in California

Everything was "marvelous" to Huell. It is still on PBS in reruns and a great show!!!

silly millie
I believe so, very good at describing California historical sites, etc. very interesting program on pgs. don't k ow if I'd know him if I lived in Colorado. yes passed on reruns are ageless.

Be wise
I remember watching him on the PBS channel.

Howser’s show was fun to watch. California has a rich history which he enhanced with his enthusiastic style.

Player #16702581
I realized through this show that there is so much to discover in California. Huell seemed to be such an authentic man.

NearsightedHunter969, the ones who know
him do!

SharingCity, no he originally came from Nashville tn and was on channel 4 news (NBC)I'm from there!

Player #810703, think we all did

Well, this is a tad regional...