What is the dog's name in the "Little Rascals" series?
Correct answer: Pete

aww...petey, he was awesome !!!

BeccaAnn416, Back then they called Pitt Bulls Nanny dogs because they were very protective of the children. I have a Pitt Bull/Boxer mix and he's very protective of me

Those kids and that dog were hysterically funny! I forget which one had the stiff neck but it got yanked back in place. This would not be funny in real life. Also, when someone put horseradish in the spaghetti.

lee coggin
The correct answer is Petey

"Good Old Days" is the name of the ditty that accompanies those wonderful shorts. Whenever I hear it, I'm a kid again.

Player #118357
"Less prominent rolls?" lol Were the rolls less prominent than the biscuits?

Player #27634436
never heard the dog called Pete. only Petey.

Player #9521450
GrandmaTanya, I have a red nose pitt and chocolate lab mix what a lovable dog.not a mean bone in her body.😍

Player #14506239
It’s Petey! NOT Pete!

Canis Lupus
I remember the Buster Brown commercials which always mentioned Tige.

I really thought it to "Rocky".

Funny the things one recalls from childhood. I’m 68 and still remember the name of the dog!

Player #92723922
Picture is not the original cast

His name was Petey

Mars V
LongLady8, It was Pete as much or more than it was Petey! Stop nitpicking you nitpickers!!

Annie's mom
I think they should have an award for best performance by an animal included in the academy awards.

Player #26129643
I always wanted a Petey as a kid...

it's Petey!! Never was Pete! Duh

Player #13023389
I got the answer wrong and have always loved Little Rascals. Debby

Player #27634436
Player #14506239, I hit thumbs down due to that. but the description sites Petey also.

Player #185561, that's awful. and Alfalfa was murdered

I was told that Petey was buried in Spanky's backyard.

It was Petey. K ?

UnpopularFoe47146, thank you; I was wondering, also. Just evil!

Player #185561, that's exactly what I was going to say!

GrandmaTanya, you can find it on YouTube

Player #3387236
penawareof, It was the rich boy, Dickie, who had a stiff neck, and Stymie cured it be turning his neck in the car...

penawareof, saw that one a month ago on the net

favorite movie as a kid

Great show. I would watch it now if they had it in my area