In the U.S. TV series "Home Improvement", what was the name of the home repair show hosted by Tim Taylor?
Correct answer: Tool Time

Brilliant show!

Player Meyer
Always enjoy Tim Allen. Like his current show as well!

Player #4250921
Enjoyed this show, especially the wisdom of Wilson.

I think Tim Allen is the only one who could have pulled it off with his brand of humor and poking more fun at himself than the others. that's what made it so popular because he knew how to laugh at himself and included the audience in on the jokes. big fan of his!

Player #4250921
Tibetsy, Being conservative does not make one hateful.

Maggiedog1951, I still watch it anytime I see it on.

Player #4250921
Player #1856199, So because I favor limited government and fiscal responsibility, champion individual freedom, defend the Constitution and the first amendment, believe in God, moral standards, and doing good to others by my own free will- that all helps me be hateful somehow? How does that work again?

Loved this show. Fun fact about Tim Allen. He's from Michigan and does the voiceovers for Pure Michigan, the state's tourism site.

Nashville Bound
Player Meyer, love Tim Allen he reminds me so much of my late father, especially in last man standing Mike Baxter's relationship with his daughter Eve is parallel to the relationship I had with my dad. My husband and I watch it faithfully as do my brother and his wife and my mother. We even watch the re runs I love it, it's like having my daddy back with us for atleast about 30 minutes anyway

Lake Elsinore player
My favorite line “I don’t think so Tim” it’s classic

Be wise
He was once arrested, but l don’t remember for what.

I’m watching rerun’s of this show now and it seems better now.

Wow does this bring back memories !! 😃😃😀😀 My Dad and me NEVER missed this show and thought it was hysterical !! My Dad always thought my personality was like Tim The Tool Man Taylor, always thinking everything had to be more powerful !! I actually am like that !! LOL.

Player #35387966, Agee he is funny!!!

Tina, They were awesome!!!

Nashville Bound, Another great and funny show. I am so glad it helps you remember that is awesome.

Gary, I agree he is a real character.

Player Meyer, Tim Allen is an excellent, talented, and very funny actor. Also makes a great Santa Claus.

My favorite show! I've always loved Tim for his outstanding comedy and acting! I grew up watching Home Improvement. I thought Tim Allen & Patricia Richardson played a good part together as a couple on this show!

Great show with great characters like Al and Wilson, the humor is priceless!

Player #35387966
I enjoyed home improvements and I also enjoy last man standing. His comedic timing timing is perfect.

> don't think I ever laughed so hard at any other show. home improvement was hysterical. also Jonathan t. Thomas was very cute and funny. he was the perfectTim. almost every episode wasaa.l for tim.

being from Michigan, this was a steel!

Player #30317710
to hard for 7 year olds

Player #14171852
I loved that show and have seen every episode at least twice!

Player Bee
Player Meyer, last man standing. love it!

Player Bee
Player Meyer, las

Player #DE02
Hammertime lol

Player Choppie
As I am reading this question Tool Time airs. So funny. Tim "The
Toolman" Taylor

Suzy Z
What does this comment have to do with the question and answer??

Player #2512936
This was really a very funny Show. It ist good to take a break from Reality with a Show Like this. Laughter ist good medicine.

I agree with all the comments about Tool Time but my question is where did all the commercials come from? Last time I played there were no commercials at all within the game.

Well-deserved for such a funny and touching show.

I thought Tool Time was about Beaves and Butthead whacking off in a Tool Shed .

Chrono Neko
Does everybody know what time it is? hee hee hee

Watching it right now!

A very funny show. I would always make time to watch it. It was a groundbreaking series.