Which artist is responsible for this painting?
Correct answer: Rembrandt

ALWAYS pick the only one you've ever heard of when you have no clue 😁

Player #14993519.
Hugo, Yes,,he was so talented and it is truly hard to paint human beings,yet ,he could do just that,,,

Player #25321321 Deb
I am related to Rembrandt! I have van Rijn's in my family tree. He doesn't have any direct descendants living today because none of his grandchildren lived to adulthood. It's through either an uncle or brother of his.

Rembrandt is my favorite painter! ❤️

matty, lol Monty Python,. eh!?

Tina M.
Usually if you see a Dutchman wearing a hat, it's by Rembrandt.

About 15 years ago I was at the Metropolitan museum of Art in NYC. I happened upon an entire room of Rembrandt art, mostly portraits. There was no one else in the room. It's true that sometimes you feel the eyes are watching you. The man was truly a genius among us.

Player #25874027
It says executed criminal . Maybe hanging .
But I agree , his shaving was the offender punishable by death

I wonder how the man in the picture died, do you think they killed him because he didn't have a beard!

Hugo, I also 💘 Love him

Got this one correct because two ?'s ago was about the artist.

: Star 54 :
Hi gbybh

Player elguapo
FACTCHECKER, phucke ...you

didn't I just saw this...too much playing

Usually when you see these Dutch guys it's by Rembrandt He was a Dutch artist.

Player #SassySLR
her2positive, I think you misread her comment, she said always pick the only one you HAVE heard of.

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