In which James Bond movie does Pussy Galore appear?
Correct answer: Goldfinger

US critics almost disallowed the name...they must all be rolling over in their graves these days.

Longarms, so what? do you and others have to point that out every time? we are aware and still like the game. if this is so distressing for you, maybe you should find another game!

Player #1081396
thunderball is still my favorite one

All I will say is Shirley Bassey! I was 8 years old when I first saw it. Wow!!

Player Elf Council
SAC69, I got to love her in The Avengers as Cathy Gale. Met her when I worked at Elstree Studios in the sixties. She really was a judo expert. Accidentally knocked out a wrestler, Jackie Palo, in one fight scene.

Player #96890951
CyndiWig1, Could this person's problem be JEALOUSY !!

Player #66817220
Uninitialized, Domino WAS prettier, wasn't she?

Plenty O'Toole. "Named after your father perhaps? "

Player Elf Council, I met her once too, she did appear to be quite “feisty”!

Player #21
don't you just love 💘 that name....

N00bPixie56523, right on

Player Meyer
Very entertaining and quirky

They ARE strange, aren't they?