Which author was the inspiration for modern forensic science?
Correct answer: Arthur Conan Doyle

Mardell Riley
It just made sense 😀🐸

Doyle's inspiration was Edgar Allen Poe's Muder in the Rue Morgue, where Detective Dupin looked at clues in a CSI way. Doyle, a doctor, added the medical aspects, but Poe should get credit, too.

love Sherlock. have read all the books and watched PBS series. how cool that his books help solve crimes

Interesting that such an unusual first name, associated with sagacity, and there's never been another one. And he is fictional. So, has anyone ever existed whose birth certificate attests to his being named Sherlock? Haven't there ever been any adventurous parents?

Love the Sherlock Holmes series with Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock. Interesting Watson also.

WaldoLydeker, 5 baby Shetlocks registered in the UK in 2012, it made the news

Holmes never said,"Elementary, my dear Watson, elementary."

I've got that teapot in my collection. 😀

One suggestion for all you mystery fans: Murdoch Mysteries!! I can only attest to how amazing the TV show is (Really, it is phenomenal in so many ways). I have not read the books it was based on... yet

I don’t know about Sherlock but today I spoke to a Mona Lisa on the phone.

Mars V
No movie has ever come close to doing justice to The Hound of the Baskervilles. Even the Basil Rathbone version was silly. Read the book; I’m right!

Huge fan of The Sherlock Holmes books and have watched all the movies with Basil Rathbone
many times.

which came first, chicken or egg? Surely Conan Doyle used current forensic knowledge when writing, merely popularised it for the masses

I've learned so much from this game

my favorite is the two movies....I feel that one represented what I thought in my minds eye that they would look and act like..great job Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law..love you guys!!

extraordinary Question and good information I loved it...

No One but Jeremy Brett should play Sherlock! He portrayed him so well. He was himself tormented and led a difficult life.

Player #7432266
JimmyLovesQL, he really said, " high school. my dear Watson. high school.,"

Player #37405885
WaldoLydeker, Maybe the name Sherlock is not used as a name because it is too similar to Shylock

Player lintynubela, He was Scottish not Irish

Player #4873591
My God look at her oh my God look at her booty OK what ghost here what does bus baby I didn’t say anything else hi how do you say anything else hello hello cute I don’t know what are you doing Deanna Natalie yes it is DeAnna I don’t want to use what you just said

Yeah.. Remember Detective Conan? He renamed Himself After Sherlock Holmes Author's Name

There is no way that Arthur inspired any scientist to develop Forensics.
The only thing this question and answer inspires is more myths.

Maria ♡
helpmelosemymind, me too 🤣🤣!

Player lintynubela
Another Great Irish writer .Visited the Famous House well worth a visit all sherlock Holmes are all there xxx

Lol I guessed wrong

I love you

Player #6078838
Love it baby

Player #3874355
Good guess

elementary my dear watson

Zell. I am a female
lol guessed it right

some of these questions are sooo hard