What is Ted Kaczynski best known as?

Correct answer: The Unabomber

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What people think about it: 39 Comments
Player #2278360
Player #2278360
Bendy, ..I don't think they're idolizing bad behaviour Bendy. they're just stating facts. unfortunately many facts are disturbing.
Elsbeth Mills
Elsbeth Mills
The real villain is a psychologist named Henry Murray who used Ted in a cruel experiment while he was at Harvard. Students in the study were told that they were involved in debating other students and were to write essays stating their beliefs and values on varied subjects. There were no debates instead those essays were given to a lawyer who would then apply electrodes to a student’s skull and verbally insult each student to humiliate them and their beliefs. Ted was subjected to 200 hours of psychological abuse as part of this study. The subjects were lied to when asked to participate. This had to have an impact and contribute to Ted’s view of the world and mind control. Humans should not be used as lab rodents. Henry Murray should have stood trial along with Mr. Kascynski.
Famous for being a murderer. Bet no one knows the names of all the victims who lost their lives because of him? I hate questions that idolise bad behaviour.
Milena KG
Milena KG
I've just read about him couple of days ago! He was so smart, too bad he didn't use that to help the world instead of destroying it...
Lady V
Lady V
Bendy, unfortunately that's how it goes. Real life isn't all fairytales and butterflies, nobody can name all the millions of people that died during the world wars yet surely everybody knows for example Hitler his name.
the question is not idolising him. It's just a fact. I'm glad I know. Glad he got 8 life sentences too
He unknowingly underwent LSD testing given by the CIA when he was a young man. I wonder if that had anything to do with his subsequent paranoia.
Player #24786540
Player #24786540
Ted was right in a sense, maybe he saw what others don't...Technology has and is destroying our society....When I first heard about kids who were standing just inches away from each other, TEXTING, I was in shock...Parents neglecting their family, children on their machines...And of course it's replacing jobs....Some technology is good, but some of it is not good....When did we start replacing human contact for machines? However we don't murder people over it...
8 life sentences, what is the point of that sentence. The tax payer is now paying for him to live a life of Reilly they should have just executed him. What is the point in keeping him alive ?
Player #2398356
Player #2398356
Bendy, I do too, but this is the truth and it is important for people to know it. I'm sure that the FBI learned a lot from him, making it more difficult for someone else to do what he did and get by with it for as long as he did.
Maggie, I think the fact we're missing here is this: Unfortunately, he's Still Alive. Sadly, his victims are Not.
Lynne7047, Exactly!! When they sentence prisoners to more than 1 lifetime, the Sentence Really is Now on the Poor Taxpayer. I'd say Kill him with a horse. tree, and a strong rope. No Need to even Waste Electricity on him!!!
Kani, yes, like identifying UNDESIRABLE characteristics of a presidential candidate!!!!
Player #10628065, family will ignore bad/unusual behavior by other family members for a long time, until they are forced to deal with it. Ted isolated himself not just from society, but probably his family too.
wat1958, to coin the trendy phrase, modern technology is “disrupting” the world as we’ve known it, not really destroying it.
Lynne7047, I wouldn’t label prison as ‘life of Reilly’. From all that I’ve read, prison is no fun.
Elsbeth Mills, why wasn’t Henry Miller convicted along with Ted as he was the real instigator?
Elsbeth Mills, oh wow never knew this and I concur
I did not know all of this. The magnitude of the effects of so many. Really gives you more to think about. Thanks for sharing.
It seems that everyone has forgotten that Ted Kaczynski suffered from untreated Paranoid Schizophrenia. He met the definition of legally insane.
Raven, DVM
Raven, DVM
Intelligent man, he just didn’t use his head the right way.
Player #24786540, He made a good point but it was so wrong to kill people,
Alex Alex Alxi
Alex Alex Alxi
Bendy, who cares!
Bendy, They're not glorifying him, they're simply stating facts and telling his backstory. Showing that no matter how intelligent you are or how prestigious of a background you have, you can still be corrupt. It's hard to name all the victims involved and many of their families want their privacy but just because we don't name the victims doesn't mean we are downplaying, forgetting, or even ignoring their involvement. A good example would be all the genocides and mass murders/shootings that happened in history. Hitler for example, we can't name all the victims involved but we can tell the backstory of what caused the unraveling of the man that took away those innocent lives. Sometimes, diving into the minds of the criminal helps us know what to look out for in the future. Detect red flags, etc.
Milena KG, that’s what I was thinking too. what a waste of knowledge, he could have helped so many people .
Player #2278360, He was so smart in some ways and it is a shame he was mentally disturbed and his wisdom was used wrong, Sorry for his family, was so hurt by his actions,,
great story of history in USA
Scott Smith
Scott Smith
Player #35387966, Robert Oppenheimer, mass murderer or American hero
Don’t think he should be glorified for doing the things he did! STOP IT
Bendy, l agree, just stating facts
Player #35387966
Player #35387966
It's amazing how one individual can be so dangerous.
Player #7419166
Player #7419166
Player #24786540, I’m thinking the exact same thing. Social media has ruined us as a society.
Apparently Ted was right all along...
Diamond Lil
Diamond Lil
Some facts I would rather NOT be reminded of😢
Player #32509668
Player #32509668
Elsbeth Mills, very interesting facts on many levels! Thank you
I think more people should learn about him and the things that happened to him, which definitely played a role in how he turned out. He was a very smart boy and could've done great things if someone had stepped in and helped guide him instead of destroying him the way the teacher and the CIA did. They are the ones to blame.
Chase O.
Chase O.
I'm empathic and I always try so hard to analyze a person's psyche, and what possibly went wrong to make them do the bad things, or feel a certain way, and it's just so hard for me to fathom that some people have zero feelings or emotions at all. I believe the term is Psychopath? I guess I have enough emotions for them and me, and sometimes it would be much easier to be emotionless, I supose!
Player #34489810
Player #34489810
Elsbeth Mills, wow, is that true?! wow...
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